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Cowboy Bebop Episode Sums Session 14 Bohemian Rhapsody In this episode the crew of the bebop catch some small time bandits that have a connection to a much bigger bounty. The crew goes around the planet trying to figure out how these small time crooks got involved with this guy. The only clue that keeps presenting itself are some chess pieces. Ed request to get the piece and tells the crew that it is a chess piece to play a game online. She begins to play against an opponent, while Jet decides to go back to the origin of the bounty the warp gate makers. He finds out a couple of things like how the guy behind this incident is a former warp gate maker known as Chess Master Hex who swore revenge 50 years ago against the company because the gate was built with certain defects. He divulges this info with the crew of the bebop and finds out that Ed is actually playing against Chess Master Hex her job is to keep him busy while Faye and Spike get him. Spike and Faye head out to a remote location in space that is consider lawless. There destination ends up being an abandoned base where tons of old guys are, when they finally meet Chess Master Hex they learn that he is too old and senile to even remember his plan. He is an old man that just likes to play games. A week later Ed is still playing the same game against Hex but eventually loses, as Hex wins his life finally comes to an end and he passes away. With Chess Master Hex being old he had forgotten his own plan that he made 50 years ago, meaning the bounty as well as the warp gate makers have nothing to worry about. Session 15: My Funny Valentine In this episode we are treated finally to the back story of Faye Valentine. Apparently she was cryogenically frozen 50 years ago since she had some injures that could be healed with Modern Medicine. Well after those 50 years she was unfrozen but stuck with a huge debt for her hospital services. The doctors force her to pay but unfortunately for her she has lost her memory. Eventually a guy is appointed to be her lawyer, he tries throughout the episode to help Faye out. Eventually the two fall in love, but some "debt collectors" come after him and her. He tells her to escape, Faye goes back to the hospital and learns that her lawyer left her all his possession and outstanding debts. Making her grand total of debts up to 300 Million Woolongs. After this flashback Faye learns that Spike and Jet have caught the lawyer who was on the bounty list. Faye goes a little crazy and captures the guy forcing him to tell her the truth while Spike and Jet try to get their bounty back. She learns that it was all a scam made up by the doctor and him. At the end of the episode Spike and Jet let Faye cash the guy in as retribution however her debts still haven't broke even. Session 16: Black Dog Serenade In this episode a bunch of hijackers steal and important shuttle. Jet goes off to find out some information about the bounty on these guys. He soon meets up with an old partner of his and they decide to team up to stop the guys. Apparently one of the thugs was the guy responsible for giving Jet his metal right arm. Well after a long discussion. Jet makes it onboard the hijacked ship and confronts the guy who was responsible for his arm. The two fight it out and an immense battle erupts, by the end of it though the guy says how it wasn't he who shot Jet in the arm, but actually Jets partner. As that comment is said Jet's partner comes out of nowhere and shoots the thug dead. Jet shocked and betrayed learns how it was all a plan for him to come here and a trap. The two have an old fashion gun stand off and fire at the same time, Jet dodges the bullet and delivers a successful shot to his former partner. His former partner falls down and is dying Jet gives him a cigarette and bids him farewell and limps away. Session 17: Mushroom Samba The crew of the Bebop are forced to land on a planet when a ship collides with them. The group set up camp while Ed goes off to find some food. Her adventures eventually lead her to a man with Mushrooms the man apparently is a wanted by many criminals and runs off dropping a couple of mushrooms. Ed goes back to the bebop and places the mushrooms on a table to feed her friends. One by one the crew of the bebop eat the mushrooms and one by one they begin to get delusions the mushrooms are laced with some drug. Well with the others incapacitated and Ed hungry she watches big shot and learns how the guy she bumped into earlier was a wanted bounty. She heads off to capture him and eventually after a three way chase catches him. However he strikes a deal with her to let him go and she can have a bag full of mushrooms that are expected to be worth 10 thousand woolongs a piece. In the end though after a cops confirmation we learn the mushrooms are infact worthless so the bebop once again has no money but plenty of food in the form of Mushrooms. Session 18: Speak like a child In this episode Faye runs off after a package for her comes, apparently she thinks its the debt collectors. Well Spike and Jet open the package and learn there is a video tape inside they do some research which points them in the direction of a vhs collector (vhs' are no longer in circulation) they see a minor portion of the tape but the machine breaks down. Later on the crew goes through an ordeal to track another machine down, their journey brings them to an old museum. The crew retrieve a tv and vcr but unfortunately they can't watch the tape since its a beta max tape. Eventually another package for Faye comes its the beta max machine. Faye comes back as the crew sets up Jet demands for her to pay him for the packaging cost she refuse so she cant' see the video. She walks off, while the others watch the video its a video of Faye. Faye sneaks a peek from afar and realizes that is her on the tape. Some of her memories come back. Session 19: Wild Horses In this episode Spike heads off to get the swordfish maintained. Throughout this episode an old friend of his who maintains the swordfish is trying to get an old space shuttle to fly. During this episode the Bebop faces off against some virus hackers who hack into a ship via a cable link. The bebop and Faye eventually fall victim of this. Spike eventually comes and saves the day accidentally killing the bounty and getting his ship fried. As the sword fish plummets to earth his old friend shows up in the old space shuttle and saves him. At the end of the episode we are treated to a photo of the shuttle crash landing on earth and Spike being alright. Session 20: Pierrot Le Fou In this episode an assassin known as Le Fou shows up to kill some high level ISSP members. Spike unfortunately interrupts this session and is forced to do battle with Le Fou he unfortunately loses and gets beat up. Eventually he awakens to find himself on the bebop. Jet goes out to find information on this Le Fou guy and finds out that once he starts a fight he tracks a person down to finish it. This means he will be coming back for Spike. Later on Ed and Faye read an email from Le Fou which says for Spike to meet him at space world. Spike standing behind him reads the email and heads out for Space world. A massive battle between Le Fou and Spike erupts Spike however is on the losing end. During this time Jet and Ed find out more information on Spike's Foe and how he is an experiment and how bullets have no effect on him. In the end Spike uses a knife to hurt Le Fou, who falls to the floor crying like a baby. Le Fou gets squashed by a animatornic giant. Jet calls Spike to tell him about Le Fou but Spike tells him its too late now. Session 21: Boogie Woogie Feng-Shut In this episode Jet gets and email from a dead comrade an meets up with the daughter of this friend. The two join up together to do some research about a sun dial and stone. The two go to various places in hope to decipher what the stone is for. In the end though a group of gangsters show up an attack the bebop, we soon learn that Jet's dead comrade is in fact alive and how the email was a trick to get Jet to bring his daughter to him. Jet fires the stone which opens up a black hole sucking the father into deep space. His daughter tells him she hates him. The girl returns home and life on the bebop returns to normal. *Side Note* The girl lives on the bebop during this search and certain rules like no smoking go into effect on the bebop Session 22: Cowboy Funk Spike and the others are on the trail of a guy named Teddy Bear who is a mad bomber who uses teddy bears. However during each encounter with this guy a bounty hunter known as Terry shows up to ruin things. This guy basically dresses up as a Cowboy and looks similar to Spike. Eventually during Teddy's last bombing act Spike and Cowboy do battle with each other, eventually Spike wins the battle by default and Cowboy says he quits being a Cowboy. Spike is bewildered by this, while Faye and Jet capture Teddy who was being ignored by the other hunters. In the end we learn that Terry is no longer a cowboy but a samurai who even chases after Teddy while he is imprisoned. Session 23: Brain Scratched In this episode Spike, Jet, and Ed chase after a mysterious guy named Scratch who is head of a new cult. Faye who goes undercover unfortunately gets trapped and hypnotized. Spike goes around trying to find a lead on this guy but the only thing that comes up is the same mindless worshipers. Eventually Ed and Jet hack into a video game produced by Scratch and find his whereabouts. Spike goes off to rescue Faye and comes across Scratch who is using a TV monitor to speak to Spike. During this time Ed and Jet fake being related to Scratch to get access into his hospital bed. Apparently Scratch is a young teenager who is in coma but used a program to transfer his soul into cyberspace and TV to gain a cult following so he would not be lonely. Ed shuts the program down and Spike saves Faye. In the end of the episode Jet and Ed pity Scratch and hope that he has good dreams from now on. Session 24: Hard Luck Woman In this episode Faye watches her video over so she can regain her memory. Ed however recognizes the area on the screen. The next day Faye forces Ed to go with her to find Mimosa, Faye eventually bumps into a nun and kids that know Ed. Apparently Ed use to hang around the orphanage but left. The nun gives Ed something her father left her. This is a picture of him, Faye discouraged heads back to the bebop after meeting with an old friend she doesn't remember all said. Spike and Jet notice a bounty of 500 Million on this guy. The two go to confront this man and we soon learn the bounty was a hoax by ED to get closer to her father. Yes folks the bounty is non other then her father. Her father ask her to come live with him and she doesn't answer. When the group comes back Faye leaves the bebop having her memories return to her. Next up Faye leaves the bebop with Ein who tags along to meet her father. Spike and Jet eat some eggs and try to hide their sadness. When Faye reaches her home though there is nothing left. She lays down in misery on the floor of where her school once stood. Contest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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