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Dragon Ball Z Movies DBZ Movie 11: I am the Super Clone Synopsis: This is in fact the worst DBZ movie that you or I will ever lay your eyes on. In this film Android 18 has gone to the office of Hercule a.k.a. Mr. Satan, to collect the money he owes her for throwing the match at the Tenkai Ichi Budokai. Waiting Outdoors for Android 18 is Krillen, Goten, and Trunks. Eventually an old foe from Satan's past sends his cousin to challenge him and Satan accepts the challenge thinking that he will be able to get rid of Android 18. Well Android 18 decides to go with him and Goten and Trunks stole away in the back seat. At the home of Satan's old rival Jaga, Satan begs Android 18 to help him out in return for some money. So Android 18 with the help of Goten and Trunks does battle with some biogenetic clones. After the fight Trunks and Goten stumble across tube that happens to have a familiar enemy inside of it in the form of Brolly (Damn it he's back again)! Eventually Jaga orders his scientist to release Brolly but the clone starts to mutate and his appearances changes into what looks like a genetic mess. Will Trunks and Goten be able to stop Brolly this time without the help of Gohan or will Brolly finally take care of these little punks. If you want to know the answer you'll have to watch this movie because I for one am not going to waste my typing on the spoilers. Review: By this time it is quite clear the DBZ movie idea along with the series were running extremely dry. This movie is probably the most convoluted film in the series and has way too many plot holes that are by far not acceptable and should have been set up from the last film properly. To top it off this movie made a once cool character like Brolly turn into a big pathetic joke. The music is still the same recycled garbage with little or no variation at all. The action in this film is also very lacking and is not at all exciting. The action also fails to leave up to the high paced action of other dbz movies like movie 6. Overall my suggestion is just to stay clear of this film but if you really are a hardcore DBZ fan I am sure your going to want to watch this and for that I suggest a rental instead of buying this film. RATING: 1 DBZ Movie 12: Rebirth of Fusion Synopsis: In the wake of movie eleven being a bomb, Dbz took a different story angle for the 12th movie. Up in heaven Goku and Pikuhan are about to compete in the finals of yet another outer world tournament when all of the sudden outer world and the demon world start to change before Goku and everyone's eyes. Apparently a young kid who was working for King Yama accidentally unleashed a powerful demon known as Janeba. Janeba has the power to bend and change the afterlife world to his own will, and eventually starts to change the laws of the world of the dead and earth. On earth the dead are coming back to life, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, and Videl are now trying their best to stop the dead from harming others while Bulma gathers the Dragon Balls to fix this dilemma. Well Bulma eventually does call the Shen Long forth but is informed that the he can not grant her wish since the world of the dead is King Yama territory not his and this wish exceeds his powers. So unfortunately for Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Videl its back to fighting the dead for now. Probably the funniest thing you will see in this movie is Gohan killing Frieza with one punch. The second funny thing you will see in this film is Goten and Trunks trying to fight off Hitler and his army of soldiers. Back in outer world Goku faces off against Janeba and does a good job in dealing with Janeba until he changes his form into a much stronger one. Luckily for Goku, Vegeta comes to his aid thanks to Janeba changing the rules of afterlife. The two Saiyans due battle with Janeba and eventually they both realize they can't beat him. Goku then comes up with the idea to fuse into one being? Will Vegeta and his pride allow him to accept Goku's offer and fuse into one being? What is the mystery behind the fusion dance? What will become of the earth and the afterlife? You'll definitely want to see this very original Dragon Ball Z movie to find out the answers to that question! Review: Overall this is a great film that has a great amount of action and even more shocking has a great amount of comedy as well. This definitely was a good film with a highly original plot that will appeal to even those who are not that big of a Dragon Ball fan. This is definitely a must see film, and I highly recommend it unfortunately the sound track is still the same old recycled music but the ending theme is very good and is very appealing. Another unfortunate thing is the last DBZ movie failed to capitalize on the success of movie 12. RATING: 10 DBZ Movie 13: Trunk's Sword Synopsis: This is the last of the Dragon Ball Z films, in this one, Gohan and Videl save a weird guy from committing suicide that in reality is a cheap attempt to get the Z fighters trust and support. He tells the Z fighters of a great hero that is locked up inside a music box and can only be opened by Shen Long. The Z fighters go on a search to find the balls and are successful in releasing the warrior known as Tapion from his imprisonment. However there is an ironic twist behind this situation, Tapion does not want to be free and we soon learn the story behind him and being trapped in that music box. Elsewhere at this same time Gohan has discovered what appears to be the bottom half of a monster terrorizing the citizens of Satan City. However after a brief rampage the monster disappears thanks to the actions that Tapion takes. Eventually after many long drawn out scenes we learn the full extent to Tapion's secret, which is really the fact that the other half of the monster is within him and could break free at any minute. As this is being said the monster does the only logical thing that a lame plot like this can do it manages to free itself from within Tapion and rejoins with the bottom half to become Hildergarn. Unfortunately Tapion can no longer stop this monster and it is now up to the Z fighters to use their combined powers to stop this evil threat! Review: This movie has way too many plot holes and in fact the whole movie itself is pretty lame. Apparently the movie is supposed to tell you the story of how the "Trunks" got his sword. Only one problem with that Future Trunks is the one who has a sword and Chibi Trunks does not grow up to become that Trunks. Therefore this movie basically makes no sense or the writers of this film forgot to try and cover up the plot holes in this film something they did many times in the previous films. The soundtrack once again is the same recycled music from the show nothing that you haven't heard before or really would say wow about. So to put it bluntly this movie really sucks the only thing you have, as a consolation prize is the action, which is pretty sub standard for a DBZ film. So if you really must see this film, wait for it to be domestically released and rent it. It's not worth even the fan sub price of five dollars! RATING: 4 DBZ OVA's: Plan to exterminate the Saiyans Synopsis of OVA 1: For those who are curious why this went up in the movie section this is considered the illegitimate long lost movie of Dragon Ball Z that everyone had been talking about for many years. It is another peaceful day on earth Goku is out exercising while Gohan gets some firewood before breakfast. Gohan realizes that the forest has been withering away little by little. Just then Mr. Popo comes down from the sky to inform Goku and Gohan that a terrible gas is killing all the life on the earth. Goku and Gohan go off to ask Bulma if there is a way to stop the Destron Gas. Unfortunately Bulma and her father do not have the answer and Goku then asks Popo were the gases are being released from Popo gives them four locations where the generators are. Goku and Gohan decided to break up into two groups to stop this threat. Just then a familiar ally comes along in the form of Piccolo; unfortunately right when the Z fighters have decided what generators they are going to go destroy. Some weird demons come along that start to fight with the gang. As the fight progresses Goku learns that him and the others cannot use their ki attacks due to the destron Gas. Well the monsters eventually get defeated and the Z fighters begin their quest. I won't spoil what happens here since many of the fights are good and funny. Well eventually the Z fighters all meet up at the second to last generator and get ambushed by dozens of Demons, this time though Vegeta and Trunks save the group and its time for them to go off and stop the last generator. At the last generator the gang are about to destroy the last generator when Frieza, Cooler, Turlus, and Lord Slug all show up. I know what your thinking their all dead how can they just show up well for the time being we don't know but eventually thanks to some help from King Kai we Learn that the Frieza and the others are really Ghost warriors and the fighters are able to make them vanish. We then also learn that a man called Dr. Raichi sent the Ghost warriors and demons to attack them and are on a planet called "Dark Planet". Well the Z fighters then decide that they must stop Dr. Raichi at all cost and begin to head off. Synopsis of OVA 2: In the continuation to the first Act, the Z fighters are on a spaceship to stop Raichi from completing his master plans. Along the way the spaceship gets caught in a gravity hole and they all eventually make a crash landing on the Dark Planet. From here in the Z fighters do combat with a robot that Goku takes basically seconds to defeat. Finally after a long trip the Z fighters make it to the center of the base and Face off against Dr. Raichi and we learn that he too is a ghost warrior and a battle begins. If you do not wish to know what happens in the end do not read the next paragraph do to the fact it contains major spoilers. Warning the next part contains major spoilers on the films since this movie is very rare to find!The Z fighters begin their battle with Dr. Raichi who only wishes to destroy the Saiyans for the mere fact that they killed him and his race. Well Dr. Raichi only attack is a barrier and Vegeta yes Vegeta kills him with an energy blast. Well the credits role and right about 30 seconds into the credits Dr. Raichi rematerializes apparently he is a ghost warrior but Vegeta kills him again. Just then a weird occurrence happens and the super computer that was collecting all the hate energy towards the Saiyans materializes into a being of mass power. Well apparently the hate that Dr. Raichi had was so great it caused the computer to become alive and ironically he is 10x stronger than Brolly was. Because Goku makes this comment it is quite apparent that this was intended to be a movie since Brolly only exist as a character within the DBZ films. Well from this point on the super computer known as Hatchiyack gives all the Z fighters a major beating. Luckily after about 15 minutes of getting beaten to a pulp, Goku learns that Hatchiyack has a weakness that can be used against him. Apparently Hatchiyack only fires his energy blast after 15 seconds, so Goku starts to power up his Kamehameha while the others power up their final attacks and fire all their attacks at the count of 15. With Hatchiyack finally defeat the last of the destron generators on earth disappears and the earth is saved from this terrible threat, now Goku and Gohan can look forward to having their lunch! Review: Overall this OVA is really a movie and falls under this classification. The action in this film is really intense and by far probably the most brutal out of all the DBZ films. Another great thing about this movie is finally yes finally we have an original music score in which none of the music from the show is recycled. To top it off the sound track is great and the music fits well with the film. The animation however is a little downgraded, but it could be the fact that this is a rare movie and the quality of the tape was not that great. The plot is pretty good and the idea behind Hatchiyack was apparently very well thought out. So if you happen to see this movie for sale it usually goes under the Name DBZ Ova's or DBZ: Plan to Exterminate the Saiyans you will definitely want to buy this one. On a side note this movie will not be released domestically so the only means for getting it is via fan sub. RATING: 9.5 Contest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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