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Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode Sums Episode 1: Angel Attack The year is 2015 the first Angel arrives to start the Third Impact. The U.N. declares a stare of emergency for all residents. A young boy by the name of Shinji waits for a beautiful girl to take him to meet his father. While the battle between the first angel occurs, shinji is almost caught in the battle but is luckily saved by the untimely late Misato. The UN decides that their weapons have no effect on the angel and decide to use the N2 Bomb. The Angel disappears for a brief time but it is later discovered that the bomb had absolutely no effect on the Angel. Misato and Shinji miles away from this battle finally formally introduce themselves to each other, Shinji wonders why his father summoned him. The two eventually show up at the headquarters of Nerv. Shinji learns that his father wants him to pilot a mech called Evangelion Unit 01 at first Shinji refuses his fathers request until a piece of a metal beam comes falling down and Eva moves on its own to protect him. Misato and the others convince Shinji to get into the Eva and the battle for Earth's future begins. Episode 2: Unknown Ceiling The battle begins with Shinji actually learning the very basics of piloting Eva. The Angel attacks and waste no time what so ever in ripping parts of the eva apart. Shinji gets severely injured and wakes up in a hospital room. Lucky for him he is not badly injured but does manage to get to see a glimpse of the battered Ayanami Rei. Elsewhere Misato and Ristuko discuss how Shinji has no memories of what happened during the battle thanks to some psychological trauma he sustained during the battle. Misato eventually shows up to pick Shinji up from the hospital. It is soon decided that Shinji is to live by himself, Misato decides to take it upon herself to look after Shinji as his guardian and live with him. Before the two go to Misato's place she decides to show him a special area were he can see all of Tokyo 3, Misato tells him this is his home now that he protects. Eventually the two show up in Misato's place and Shinji begins to familiarize himself in his new home. Shinji decides to take a bath and thinks about his father, Misato, and Rei. Later on Shinji is laying in bed questioning why he is here and what he is fighting for. Just then we are treated to a flashback sequence in which we learn that Eva lost its power supply and the Eva went Berserk ripping apart the Angel limb from limb. Realizing defeat the Angel decided to blow itself up. Shinji gets a look at whats behind the Eva's armor and starts to scream in horror. The flashback ends with Misato saying he did a good job and should cheer up. Episode 3: A Transfer We start with Shinji being trained about the basics of Eva and how Eva gets its power supply from a cable if severed from it the Eva switches to battery power only supply the eva with five minutes of power. Later on Misato learns that Shinji has yet to make any friends at school because he pushes everyone away with his personality. In this episode we are introduce to Aida, Hikaru, and Toji, we also learn that Toji's sister was actually injured during the battle between Eva and the first Angel. Eventually the students learn that Shinji is the pilot of Eva, Toji extracts a bit of revenge against Shinji by punching him in the face. Just then an alarm goes off Rei shows up telling Shinji they are wanted at Nerv. The Second angel and Evangelion do battle, Toji and Aida get caught in this battle and Misato authorizes the two kids to enter the Eva. With battery power being down to almost 30 seconds Shinji goes against Misato's orders and attacks the second Angel with full force killing the angel and depleting all of evangelion's energy. At the end of the episode we learn Shinji hasn't shown up for 3 days to school Aida tries to call Shinji at home but there is no answer. Episode 4: Hedgehog's Dilemma Misato awakes to find that Shinji has run away from home. Toji and Aida show up at Misato door and she is forced to make up a white lie to get the two to go away. Meanwhile Shinji goes all over Tokyo 3 acting like a bum with no place to go or person to turn to his self pity has finally affected him. Eventually Shinji comes across Aida and the two have a long talk about Eva and then go to sleep. The next morning Shinji is taken by Nerv officials he meets with his father and tells him he will not pilot eva anymore. The two agents escort Shinji to the train station not giving him anytime to say good-bye eventually Aida and Toji show up and plead for him not to go but he refuses to listen. The train starts to take off Misato shows up thinking she is too late but then we learn Shinji did not get on that train. Shinji says he is home Misato welcomes him home thus the episode ends. Episode 5: Rei Beyond Her Heart We start our episode with the reactivation of Unit Zero. All seems to be going fine until the eva tries to and successfully breaks free. Luckily Nerv manages to pull the plug, and the eva stops activating. However the pilot known as Rei is a bit injured during this fiasco and saved by Ikari Gendo. . Elsewhere Shinji and Misato accompany Ristuko to her work station where they discuss what the angels are made of and find out that the angels genes are 99.56% related to human's. Misato and Shinji bicker a bit, Shinji wonders how his fathers hands got burned. Ristuko tells Shinji he got them while saving Rei during the reactivation of Zero experiment.. Back at school Shinji is teased about Ayanami Rei from Adia and Touji. Shinji later on at Nerv's headquarters starts to wonder what type of relationship his father and Rei in fact have. Later on that day Ritsuko ask Shinji to deliver Rei's ID card to her house Misato teases him saying this is his perfect chance. Shinji rings Rei's bell but no one answers he finds the door open and starts to rumage through Rei's stuff. He puts on Rei's glasses and when he turns around he find Rei, only bearing a towel ang gets nervous. Rei tries to reach for her glasses from Shinji's head but Shinji ends up falling on top of her, she tells him to move off of her. He does and then tries to explain the reason he is there. She gets dressed and then leaves Shinji follows her all the way to Nerve and eventually gives her the ID card. The two talk and eventually they get into a converstation in which Shinji bad mouths his father he gets slapped for this. Later on Unit Zero and Rei finally sycronized and it is reactivated. Just then another angel attack occurs nerve decides to send out Shinji in unit one but, the minute he gets out to the surface he is attack by a long range weapon! Episode 6: Final battle Lover, Tokyo City 3. Rei II We are treated to a few mins of what happened on the last episode, we pick up our episode with Shinji getting hit by the Angel's long range weapon. Shinji is serverly injured and is hospitalized while the angel starts to use a giant drill in order to drill all the way into geofront and Nerve's headquaters. Eventually Nerv learns that there is no way to do close combat with the Angel since anything that gets within a certain distance gets attack with the long range beam. Eventually Misato devises a plan to use the untested Eva sniper rifle to kill this beast only problem is that they have to use all of the City's energy to fire the gun and also they have to get the two eva pilots to carry out this mission but one of them is hospitalized. Eventaully Shinji wakes up and Rei pays him a visit to discuss the battle plan they are to carry out, at first Shinji doesn't want to pilot Eva but Rei tells him if he doesn't do it she will by herself. Shinji agrees to take part in the mission, they start to set up it will be Shinji's job to fire the sniper riffle and Rei's to protect him. The battle begins Shinji fires a shot but it misses, and the Angel counterattacks from afar. Shinji then attempts to attack again but the angel starts to fire again. this time Rei throws herself in front of the blast allowing Shinji to fire his shot and hit the angel in its core precisely destroying it. Shinji then rushes to Rei's Eva to check on her condition she is fine and says sorry for worrying Shinji gets emotional. Rei apologizes again since she is not sure how to express emotions well, Shinji says that she can smile, Rei Smiles at Shinji. Episode 7: A Human Work We are treated to the normal morning at Misato's and Shinji's place. Today Misato is suppose to go to a teacher parent meeting Shinji is worried that she will make a scene. Later that day she shows up at school and all the male students start to stare in awe with her. Later that same day Shinji question to himself what he is fighting for. We then pan into a shot of Gendo who is on his way to attend a conference meeting about an unmanned Eva Project, we also learn the real truth behind the second impact and how it was not a meteor that caused it but eva. Eventually Gendo sends Misato and Ritsuko out to the sumit for the Unmanned Eva Project. While at the conference Ritsuko argues that the project is dangerous since it uses a fussion reactor. The time for the testing of the Unmanned Eva begins, the robot though goes out of control. Misato offers to take care of this thing to prevent a nuclear melt down of its fission reactor. Misato devises a plan and calls on Shinji to help her out. The plan is for Shinji to place her on the mech and to stop it from Moving. The plan goes into effect Misato gets in and puts the overide code in but it doesn't work she is forced to do it manually by pushing some pipe shape core objects into place. She manages to stop it in the nick of time, later on we learn that Nerv really was behind the whole incident and rigged it on purpose so they could continue their eva project. Later on Aida and Touji tell Shinji he is lucky cause he is the only one that sees Misato's true side meaning they are family. Episode 8: The third Child is scheduled to arrive in Japan via the Japanese Navy. Shinji, Misato, Touji, and Aida go to greet her at the ship. Misato while on the ship bumps into an old boyfriend by the name of Kaji who also was an old lover of her's too. They also Meet up with Asuka Soru Langley who is the fiesty Red Head Evanglion Unit 02 pilot. While on the ship Asuka shows off her Eva to Shinji just then the next Angel attacks. Eva Unit 02 launches for battle with Asuka and Shinji in it. Unfortuantely Eva-02 is not equipped to handle under water battles. However thanks to Asuka's piloting skills which are superve the Angel doesn't stand a chance and Eva Unit 02 wins. After the battle Shinji and his friends are relieved thinking they never have to see that rude girl again, that is until she shows up at their school as a classmate of theirs. More Episode Sums Coming Soon! Contest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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