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Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Episode Sums Episode 1: The Gundam that fell to Earth! The year is 60 A.C. every 4 years on earth a competition is held to determine who shall rule the colonies that went out to space. This year marks the next Gundam Tournament and Gundam Fighters from various Colonies representing Neo France, Neo Russia, Neo American, and even Neo Japan start to land on earth with their Gundams. We begin our story with a drifter asking if anyone has seen the man in the picture. Eventually a gang member decides to try and take advantage of a little girl but the drifter protects her. A cop of Rome suspects that this guy is a Gundam fighter and takes him into hostage, trying to protect Rome from the Gundam fights since it has been almost totally obliterated. Eventually the drifter is bailed out by a girl name Rain and we learn he is Domon Kashu, the little girl and her brothers eventually meet up with Domon to pay him back for her rescue. After a brief chat it is decided the kids will stay the night with Domon in a hotel. However the stay is cut short when the Gundam Fighter of Neo Rome captures the Little girl and tells Domon to come alone to settle the score. Domon basically doesn't care but eventually shows up to save the girl after a botched rescue from the chief of police to save her. Domon summons his Shinning Gundam and does battle with the Neo Rome's Gundam. The battle culminates the beginning of the Gundam fights and eventually Shinning Gundam wins the fight using his patent Shinning Finger attack. The chief of police eventually say's thank you to Domon and says how this years Gundam fight is going to be a dozy. Episode 2: Whirlwind Punch In this episode Domon dresses up as a boxer to get the attention of Neo America's Gundam Fighter but is severely injured. Domon is treated by his injuries from Rain however a associate of America's Gundam Fighter that is currently being brainwashed by the government issues a stage challenge for the Gundam Fight. The next day Domon shows up ready for the Gundam Fight but doesn't get far as he is double crossed by the American's not even the American Gundam Fighter knows that his associates have double crossed Domon so that he never makes it to the match. Eventually he thwarts his associates plans with the help of Domon and the Gundam fight takes place. The match is fierce but eventually once again using the Shinning Finger attack Domon gets the victory. Once again though he has no leads as to if anyone has seen the man in his picture now its time to go to Neo China. Episode 3: While in China Domon gets a weird request from the Shinto Priest to defeat Neo China's Dragon Gundam. A search takes place to find the Dragon Gundam, a boy eventually tags along with Domon to get to his village. Eventually they meet up with the Guy who claims to be the Dragon Gundam the boy betrays Domon on two occasions and eventually we learn that he is the true pilot of the Dragon Gundam who needed Domon's help to get back his Gundam from thief's for Domon's services he repays him with a Gundam Fight, the battle is intense as the Dragon Gundam is a master of illusion and hiding, eventually after a while Domon is able to use Shinning Finger to catch the Dragon Gundam however the match is called a draw since the Dragon Gundam managed to get his pony tail weapon around Shinning Gundam's neck. The Shinto priest are mainly responsible for Domon being forced into the draw. The priest bid Domon farewell and apologize for the troubles the Dragon Gundam pilot caused. Thus with already two leads down to the whereabouts of the man in the picture its off to Neo France for a face off with the Rose Gundam. Episode 4: In this episode Domon tries to stage a fight with Neo Frances Rose Gundam pilot George. However George is far from impressed with Domon's manners and says he will only fight for the princess of Neo France on order not for a barbarian. Eventually the Princess comes to Domon to fake a kidnapping so that her George will pay more attention for her. So the trap is set with a reluctant Domon, George shows up and the battle begins. Shinning Gundam seems to be on the losing hand thanks to Rose Gundams secret rose attack. Eventually the battle is so fierce that the Princess is almost squashed by a bridge but the Rose Gundam stops fighting to save her, and is at the mercy of Domon. The match is called a draw, by the request of Domon and once again the man in the picture no one has seen, there is only one more lead and that is in Neo Russia. Episode 5: In this episode Domon is captured by Russian officials who apparently jail Gundam fighters making it easier for the Bolt Gundam's Pilot to be the strongest. Eventually Domon escapes but is stop by this huge inmate, all Domon can think about is revenge. Eventually this inmate makes an escape with Domon to the outside of the jail but then Double Crosses Domon since he is really the Bolt Gundam pilot. The battle begins Shinning Gundam looks really weak and is on the losing side, but manages to get out the Shinning Finger attack, both Gundams are heavily damaged but Domon can't finish the fight and must call it a draw. Once again the man in the picture no one has seen, there are no more leads for Domon to go on. Episode 6: The Devil Gundam appears Domon is taken back to Neo Japan were he is treated to an illusion about what happened with the Devil Gundam incident. We soon learn that Domon's brother Kyoji is the man who betrayed his father, killed his mother and stole the Devil Gundam. Domon's father was frozen in ice as punishment for the Devil Gundam incident. Eventually we learn that the events were true but a high time Neo Japan leader has made Domon relieve this as a test to see if he could fight the Devil Gundam and defeat his brother. Eventually the battle between an Phantoma that only looks like the Devil Gundam and Shinning begins. Rain tries to interfere but gets severely hurt for her troubles. Domon gets really mad beyond his limit, transforming his Gundam's Color to Gold and its Form to become Super Shinning Gundam. He uses the Shinning Finger Sword to do away quickly with the Phantoma and tells Neo Japan officials never to play games like this again on him and that to watch from the side lines. Domon and Rain head back to earth to continue their search for the Devil Gundam so they may defeat them. Episode 7: This was the episode that went to far, in this episode Domon tries to stage a fight with Neo Mexico's Tequila gundam pilot. But all attempts prove failure as Domon ends up helping the Neo Mexico pilot try to get out of his duties so that he may live in piece with his sister who has an incurable virus. Eventually Jimmy Crock the American Gundam pilot shows up to challenge Domon but the Gundam Fight between Domon and Tequila Gundam begins. Eventually Domon makes it look like he killed the Mexican fighter but it was all staged so that the Tequila Gundam pilot could live a peaceful life with his sister. Once again no leads as to the whereabouts of the Devil Gundam. Episode 8: Domon heads to Neo Canada where he challenges the Canadian Gundam fighter to a match. However the Canadian fighter only wishes to fight Argo Gulsky since he apparently has a grudge with the Neo Russian Gundam Pilot. Domon starts a gundam fight with the Grizzly Gundam but unfortunately Domon is thrown aside and Rain is captured by the Canadian Gundam. Domon teams up with Argo Gulsky to stop Neo Canadian's Gundam. By the end of the episode Domon gets Rain back and nothing between the two rivals of Canada and Russia are settled. Episode 9: Neo England is the stage for this episode as Domon challenges the Gundam Pilot of Champman to a fight. Champman is an acclaim Gundam Fighter who has won the tournament a record three times in a row. However according to George Neo France's fighter Champman has become a cheater. Eventually a fight between Domon and Champman happens in which Champman utilizes every cheap trick in the book including an artificial fog and Mobile Dolls to win. However in the end George deals with the Mobile Dolls, as Domon finishes Champman who is at the end of his life anyway. In the end Domon wins and Champman dies right after the Gundam match. The terrible end to a great fighters life. Episode 10: In this episode Sai Sashi the Neo China Gundam pilot faces off against a weird Gundam that is supposedly piloted by a deceased pilot. Eventually Domon agrees to get down to the mystery at hand in order of hopefully acquiring some info to the Devil Gundam's whereabouts. Eventually the Mummy Gundam piloted by a robot comes back to life and attacks Sai Sashi again, lucky Sai Sashi is ready and manages to defeat the Gundam or so he thinks. The Gundam starts to regenerate, Domon then takes over the match telling Sai Sashi that this doesn't concern him. Apparently the Mummy Gundam was under the influence of the Devil Gundam's abilities that Kyoji apparently taught it. Shinning Gundam transforms into Super Shinning Gundam and destroys Mummy Gundam and the robot Mummy. Domon is finally getting closer to finding the Devil Gundam. Episode 11: Rain and Domon head to Neo Turkey in hopes of getting another lead to the Devil Gundam's whereabouts. Rain ends up running into her old boyfriend who happens to be infected by the Devil Gundam Cells. The Devil Gundam cells are like a disease that turns the host into a loyal servant of the Devil Gundam. Rain treats her friend, while Domon insist on fighting him because he is a Gundam pilot and infected by the Devil Gundam. In the end however the dg cells affect Rain's former boyfriend and a fight between the Shinning Gundam and Scythe Gundam occurs. Rain interferes in the battle and manages to get through to Seit before its too late. Thus having stop the dg cells and preventing Neo Turkey from getting information on the Devil Gundam Domon and Rain head off to their next target. Episode 12: Domon and Rain are sent to Neo Tokyo in which Domon meets up with his martial arts master, Master Asia. In this episode we learn that the Devil Gundam has enlisted the services of the Dark Army which are basically mobile suit pilots infected by the Devil Gundam Cells. Domon and Asia team up to thwart a hostile take over of Neo Tokyo. After a brief minor set back though the team is able to stop the dark army from advancing for now. Domon has finally cornered the Devil Gundam, what's next for our hero! Episode 13: Domon Verses the Big 5 In this episode Domon and Master Asia receive a distress call coming from an Underground passageway. Domon is sent to investigate the passage way and is Attacked by Jimmy Crocket the Neo America Fighter, he manages to escape this fighter but then is attacked by Argo Gulsky and Sai Sashi apparently all the fighters have gained an awesome amount of power. Outside Rain fights of a massive amount of Dark Army Mechs using the Shining Gundam but is Attacked by a mysterious Gundam. Domon and Rain use the Shining Gundam to fight off the Four Fighters and then get attacked by the Mysterious Gundam. This new Gundam uses an attack called Darkness Finger, while Domon and Rain use their combined powers to attack with the Shinning Finger the match ends in a stalemate and the Big 5 disappear, Master Asia conveniently now shows up saying that Domon should be on his Guard now that those fighters have acquired great Power. Is this the work of the Devil Gundam or someone else! Episode 14: In this episode Rain finds Master Asia looking rather suspicious and decides to follow him into the subway, however she manages to get trapped with a bunch of Dark Gundam Cell chambers and finds various crew members of Neo France, China, and America held captive. They eventually tell Rain that Master Asia all lured them here, and then hypnotized Sai Sashi, Chimmy, Jorge and Argo to do his bidding. Rain and the others escape while Domon in his Shining Gundam does battle with the Four once proud Gundam Fighters. Master Asia shows up to help out or so it seems until Rain blows his plan out in the open. Master Asia then reveals that he really is behind all the madness that has been going on and transforms his Hau Gundam into the Mysterious Gundam Called Master Gundam. Domon tries to use Shining Finger on the Master Gundam but apparently it is no match for the Darkness Finger. Just as about Master is going to finish Shining Gundam off the Shuffle Alliance shows up to rescue the King of Hearts. Master Asia once belong to this once proud group that stand for the balance of fighting, Master Asia goes to attack the Shuffle Alliance but Domon pleads for him not to do it. Master Withdraws with the Four Gundam fighters. Who are the Mysterious Shuffle Alliance. Episode 15: In this episode the history of the Shuffle Alliance and Domons King of Hearts crest is revealed. Domon heads off against the Shuffle Alliances and Rain's bidding. He decides to confront Master but ends up being attack by all five fighters. Domon tries to get Master to come to his senses but it is no go so he challenges him to a Gundam fight. Master accepts and Domon attempts to defeat the Master Gundam with his Shining Gundam. The battle is one sided and Domon looks like he is going to lose, meanwhile the Shuffle Alliance does battle against the Gundam Fighters that are under Master Asia's spell. The Shuffle Alliance make a startling discovery that these four fighters bear the crest of the Shuffle Alliance so using one amazing technique they pass on their life force, crest, and powers to save the four Gundam fighters. Master laughs at this foolishness and Domon transforms his Shining Gundam Into super mode and gets the upper hand master is forced to retreat. The four Gundam Fighters wonder why they now bear the crest of the Shuffle Alliance. Episode 16: Rise of the Devil Gundam In this episode Domon and the other Gundam pilots get trapped underground where they soon learn that the Devil Gundam has been regenerating under their noses all this time. A mysterious guy manages to get all the members of the new shuffle alliance and Rain out of the underground cave. Domon confronts master on last time face to face but as this happens the Devil Gundam awakens. And starts to come out from Underground with Kyoji. The new shuffle alliance tries to stop Master Gundam but fails Domon tries to but gets kicked aside. Then the mysterious Gundam pilot from Neo Germany known as Swartz Bruder shows up to save the day and hold back Master Gundam ordering Domon to attack the Devil Gundam. Shining Gundam Transforms into his super mode and uses the Shining Finger sword Domon however reluctantly after seeing his brother Kyoji on the Gundam does not aim for the head but the body. The energy from his attack awakens the Devil Gundam to its full power and it awakens. Kyoji fires on his own Brother luckily the Shadow Gundam and Swartz Bruder save Domon. Well after this the Master Asia and the Devil Gundam disappear into the fog. What is everyone suppose to do. Episode 17: In this episode the new Shuffle Alliance parts ways to go train, Domon after having seen Master Gundam goes off on a wild goose chase to save Master, but falls deeper into Master Asia's trap. Swartz Bruder once again shows up telling Domon not to go, the two do hand to hand combat in which Swartz gets the best of him. Telling Domon that he will not be able to beat Master Asia until he improves his skills. He tells Domon to look for the true answer in his sword and then leaves. Domon tries to cut the same tree Swartz did but realizes this sword is rusted. Domon then heads again to pursue the Master Gundam, Rain tags along and the two get attacked by Dark Army Mechs that look similar to Master Gundam and are being controlled by Master Asia. In the end Domon gets bested but Swartz Bruder saves the day with his Shadow Gundam. Domon infuriated at Swartz challenges him to a Gundam fight and loses the match. Swartz tells him his fighting skills are pathetic and leaves. Rain realizes that master slipped another mech in the battle this one awakens Domon though activates the super mode somehow now and saves the day. Domon decides that Swartz is right and decides to go back to his training grounds so he can master the Shining Gundam's super mode. Episode 18: In this episode Domon starts to train again in his old training grounds. Meanwhile Neo America's Gundam Fighter Chimmney starts to lose his edge and fighting spirit. Swartz decides to manipulate the girls of his crew into staging a fight with the Shining Gundam to reawaken his fighting skills. So the girls leave him a note and head off to steal data on the Shining Gundam which leads to a pursuit by Rain. Chimmney finally shows up and sees Domon training with Intensity and the two have a Gundam fight unfortunately it is cut short when Rain and the girls get caught in a mud slide, Chimmney and Domon try to save the girls but in the end Shining's Super mode saves the day. Swartz Bruder shows up telling Domon that his skills have improved but he is a long way from Mastering Shining's Super Mode and must train. Domon agrees, Chimmney and the girls leave with his fighting spirit renewed. Will Domon Master his Super Mode in enough time to stop the Devil Gundam and Master Asia? Episode 19: Dragon Gundam Vs. Bolt Gundam In this epsiode Domon continues his training in order to master Shining Gundam's Super mode. While training Domon realizes that Sai Sashi and Argo Gulsky are also training in this area. Sai Sashi and Argo getting into an altercation which eventually builds to the two having a fierce Gundam fight in order to rebuild Sai Sashi's fighting spirit. The Bolt Gundam and the Dragon Gundam get into a furious battle in which it ends in a tie! At the end of the fight Argo and his Gundam crew question Sashi as to why he attacked them. We then realize it was a Dark Army Soldier dress up as the Dragon Gundam. Swartz Bruder shows up once again to save the day, Domon tries to also save the day but his Gundam seems to be out of control, after intensely focusing on the true enemy Domon manages to stop the last Dark Army Soldier and save the day. Bruder tells Domon that if he does not progress in his training the two gundam fighters and other new shuffle alliance members will leave him in the dust. Domon vows that he will master the Shining Gundam's Super mode and finally use that rusted sword to cut through a tree. Will Domon succeed in mastering the super mode? Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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