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Macross Episode Sums Episode 1: BoobyTrap: In the year 1999, a spaceship of enormous size crash landed on earth ending a period of Global Civil War. At the end of this war, the United Earth Government was established their mission to rebuild the alien ship to defend against any possible alien threat. The year now is 2010, the ship is now known as the Super Dimensional Fortress or SDF-1 for short is preparing to launch its maiden voyage out to space where many citizens have gathered around Macross city to see the ship off. Among these people is Lt. Roy Folkers best friend amateur ace pilot Rick Hunter who happens to get into a heat argument with his old friend because of his interference in a flight demonstration of the veritechs. The reunion of Roy and Rick is joyful and both their eyes manage to catch a glimpse of a beautiful girl named Lynn Minmei. Around this same time in earths orbit a massive alien armada known as the Zentradi have come to earth to reclaim their lost ship and regain the secrets it has hidden away! As the Zentradi Armada starts to unfold from space the SDF-1 manually overrides its own controls and fires the main guns destroying two ships. Capt. Henry J. Gloval fears now that they are committed to a fight of various sorts. Elsewhere while showing Rick the inside of a veritech cockpit Roy wonders whats going on and tells Rick to wait in the cockpit till he returns. The Zentradi make their attack on earth and the First Officer of the SDF-1, Lisa mistakenly orders Rick Hunter to take off in the veritech and do combat. Rick tries to explain he is not a pilot but is forced to take off and get involved in the battle. Rick meets up with Roy in the sky and Roy instructs him to stay close to his veritech, unfortunately for Rick, he is shot down and once again Lisa instructs him to pull the lever mark B, as this happens the veritech turns into a massive Robot and Crash lands into the city doing more damage then the Zentradi mecha! Episode 2: Countdown In this episode Rick ends up destroying half the city while trying to figure out the controls to the battleloid, eventually he mets Lynn Minmei while crashing into her building, Rick explains that he is not even suppose to be flying this thing! Roy shows up to fix Hunter's Veritech, and explains that the veritechs have three modes of transformation, fighter mode(jet), guardian mode(half jet/half robot), and Batteloid(Robot)! After the repairs, Rick and Roy head off to do combat with the enemy, but eventually Rick ends up saving Lynn Minmei who foolishly went back to her house to retrieve her diary. Elsewhere around this same time the SDF-1 and its crew are ordered to lift off. Meanwhile Rick Hunter is attacked by a Zentradi mech, and opens fire for the first time. It is soon discovered that the Zentradi are a Giant Humanoid race and that is why the Battleloids where made, Rick is traumatized by the reality of war! Episode 3: Space Fold In this episode the battle continues, while the veritech that Rick was using is caught in the hands of the dead Zentradi, luckily Roy shows up again and only takes the cockpit part of the veritech. Roy is ordered to the SDF-1 which is currently in earths orbit. So the three go to the SDF-1 and Lisa realizes that she ordered a civilian pilot to man a veritech. Having being embarrassed and insulted by Rick she warns him that he is in alot of trouble. Roy tells Rick to stay on the ship being the fact that the SDF-1 is miles long. Capt. Henry Gloval sees that there is no choice but to use the untested space fold generators, to try and escape from the Zentradi threat, Rick decides to use his amateur plane which Roy savage to bring Minmei back home. The fold generators are used however a grave mistake happens, the SDF-1 has been transported to the orbit of Pluto along with Macross Island, Rick and Minmei also get transported and crash land somewhere inside the ship of the SDF-1. To make matters worse the fold generators have disappeared meaning the SDF-1 will have to pilot itself back to Earth using the manual jet propulsion method! The crew realizes that it is going to be a long journey home! Episode 4: Rick and Minmei are trapped somewhere inside the SDF-1. Throughout this episode they try to find their way while trying to survive using the basic survival skills that they each know. The mission of saving the citizens of Macross and salvaging what every parts they can find is a success, Roy tries to ask for permission to go look for Rick, however his request is denied by Gloval. Elsewhere the citizens of Macross city have reconstructed their city inside the belly of the SDF-1. Rick and Minmei start to fall for each other and have a mock wedding thinking they will never get out of this alive. Right about when Rick goes to kiss Minmei a pipe falls down exposing the surface of the newly rebuilt Macross city, The civilians pull up the two teenagers and Rick faints from all the excitement! Episode 5: Transformation In this episode Roy tries to convince Rick to enlist with the RDF!! However he refuses Roy's offer saying he does not want to kill anything and just fly! Roy warns him that if he is not too careful a man in uniform is going to steal Minmei away from him. Elsewhere Capt.. Henry Gloval and his crew learn that the SDF-1's main guns can no longer be fired in ship mode, in order to fire them they must transform the ship into Fighter Mode. The only problem with that is if they do make the transformation half or all of Macross City would be destroyed during the ships configuration to fighter mode. Just then the Zentradi decided to launch an attack on the SDF-1. Elsewhere Lynn Minmei is trying to get Rick out of his depression but ends up making it worse at one point Rick actually wishes if the whole city would be destroyed! Just then Gloval is left with no other option but to transform the SDF-1. The transformation happens, the main gun is fired and the Zentradi retreat. Rick saves Lynn Minmei's life once again and decides that he will enlist with the RDF to protect the ones he loves! Episode 6: Blitzkrieg In this episode Rick graduates from the academy and starts to get ready for his first mission, Lynn Minmei decides to drag Hunter along so that she can go lingerie shopping! Rick manages to embarrass himself in front of three women, (Lisa, Sammie, Vanessa). Later on he learns that Lisa is really his commanding officer and that he better watch his step around her. The time comes for debriefing and we learn that that SDF-1 is going to launch a surprise attack against the Zentradi using the blind spots, of Saturn. The mission gets underway and Rick Hunter is repeatedly harassed by Lisa for not following the rules like everyone else. Rick manages to be the first person inside the Zentradi ship to live and tell. Overall the battle is successful and the SDF-1 takes its first step towards returning to earth! Episode 7: Bye Bye Mars The Zenatradi Commander Breetai, decides to summon Kryhon the backstabber to help him out, Kryhon is known for using any dirty trick in the book to win. The Zentradi lay a trap for the humans on Mars, in the form of a distress signal, we find out that Lisa finance was a victim of a Mars attack years back but can not help but go down to the surface to investigate the situation! The SDF-1 gets trapped by anti gravity mines and Kryhon makes his move, Lisa is ordered to destroy the base by overloading the main generators, she does this but decides that she rather die where her love one did. Rick is ordered to save her, and does, Kryhon's plan gets thwarted, however he vows revenge. For a moment Rick starts to get feelings for his First Commander! Episode 8: Sweet Sixteen Rick Hunter is awarded the titan medal for his heroics of the battle of Mars. Along with this medal Rick is also been promoted to Lt. and also given a squadron to command! We are introduced to his subordinates Ben Dixon and Max Sterling. The group head off to Lynn Minmei's sweet sixteen, Rick figures that if he shows up with people under his command he will impress her. So the group go off for the party but it is cut short when the Zentradi launch yet another attack on the SDF-1. We find out that Max may have ace skills, the battle is won, and Rick realizes that he has yet to buy Lynn Minmei a gift. All the stores are closed, he ends up at the window to Lynn Minmei's window in which she just happens to come out, being desperate Rick gives his medal to her! Episode 9: Miss Macross In this episode the spirits of the crew and citizens of the SDF-1 are down. So the mayor decides to hold a beauty pageant. Lynn Minmei decides to enter with the support of Rick and her family. As the pageant. progresses, Rick is paged and is forced to fly ghost reacon. He takes out the new armor Veritech, and once again gets into an argument with Lisa. During his recon he cuts off the com link, so that he can watch the pageant. He is surprised attacked by a Zentradi Recon Ship and does battle with it, as Rick enters the ship the Zentradi escape detonating the ship Rick is injured but not dead, as he watches on the screen, while Minmei is crowned Miss Macross! Episode 10: In this episode Rick Hunter and Minmei drift farther apart. Minmei is now persuing a singing/acting career. Lisa Hayes and Rick once again butt heads over military protocol. Ironically they get assigned to the same mission, of flying recon. Elsewhere during the same time Dolza (Leader of the Zentradi), orders Breetai to capture Micronian specimens. Lisa, Ben, Max, and Rick end up inside Breetai's ship and are attacked by the Zentradi! Episode 11: In this episode the group are attacked by Breetai, Max's veritech plummets into space. The others are captured and forced into an interrogation by the Zentradi leaders. The humans learn that the Zentradi have no understanding of culture and force Lisa and Rick into kissing each other, apparently the Zentradi have no clue about culture, love and emotions. The humans are sent back to there prisons while Max is apparently alive and is trying to figure out a way to save his friends! Episode 12: The group devise a plan that when the next Zentradi walks in to bring them food Rick and Lisa will kiss causing the enemy to go into culture shock! Max makes it back on the ship and steals a uniform from a Zentradi disguising his veritech as a Zentradi! Eventually the group are briefly reunited and the Zentradi give chase, the group divides into two Max and Ben, Lisa and Rick. Rick and his commander manage to fall into a drainage system and soon learn the Zetradi can make themselves into human size with the means of genetic cloning! At the end of this episode the four once again reunite, and make their escape from the Zentradi ship that has just warp back to the site of the SDF-1 in a battle pod, the group is relieved to be home! (Side note, Rick and Lisa start to fall for each other and become kinder towards each other) Episode 13: Blue Wind Gloval decides that the only way to survive is to make it through the enemy line and go back to earth. Rick and the others all get promoted to the next rank, and a celebration is held in their name for their heroics. Lynn Minmei by this episode has become an accomplished singer! Lisa starts to develop feeling for Rick. The battle begins and Rick's Squadron is order to stay behind by the command of Roy. The SDF-1 makes it through the enemy line but the Zentradi are not defeated! Episode 14: Gloval's Report Basic recap, of the first 13 episodes, Gloval does the narration for this episode. Only 2 minutes of new footage are shown during this episode an it is at the end in which Lisa and Gloval discuss that the ship has so many secrets that they don't even know about yet! Episode 15: Lisa and Gloval embark on a journey to Alaska, the two head off for the UEG to give their report and hopefully gain support from the United Earth Government, Lisa figures that the fact her father is the Admiral of the UEG will help her situation and the SDF-1's out! Rick Hunter ironically gets a different mission of sorts, he is to fly Lynn Minmei who is now a big super star, back to her home for a visit! When Minmei gets home her family is relieved to see her, but forbid her to go back to the ship. After about 2 minutes of arguing and whining, Kyle Mimei's cousin comes down the stairs and suggests that he will go with Minmei back to the ship to see his family so the matter is settled. Elsewhere the UEG makes its decision and orders the SDF-1 and its citizens to leave earth! Apparently the official word is that all the civilians and the SDF-1 were destroyed in a terrorist attack the earth and its people have no idea that aliens invaded! So the two different groups head back to one common place that will apparently be their home for an indefinite amount of time! Episode 16: In this episode Kyle is introduced to the crew and main characters at his families restaurant. Rick gets jealous over the fact Minmei and some of the other girls he knows are all falling for Kyle. Lisa also starts to fall for Kyle since he looks rather similar to her former fianc� Karl Ribber. However Kyle disappoints everyone when he tells them that he hates the military and war! About this same time a tv news broadcast goes on the air telling the citizens of Macross city that they are not allowed to leave the ship. The civilians start to get mad, and causes a riot at the restaurant., Rick, Max, and Kyle all end up in a fight trying to protect their friends! After this another battle starts this time with the Zentradi, during the battle Rick gets caught in the middle of the Daelus attack, and is severely injured and unconscious. Lisa cries thinking the worst for Rick Hunter! Episode 17: Phantasm Rick is hurt severly, and unconscious during this episode we get a glimpse into his delusions. Basically its another recap episode with a delusional twist to the events that occurred. We also learn that Ricks emotions start to become tory between Minmei and Lisa. At the end Rick regains his consciousness and seems to be alright! Episode 18: Farewell Big Brother In this episode Rick is still in the hospital, Lisa visits to say she is so sorry about what happened. Rick says it was his own fault for being shot down and that she is not acting like herself. Roy also comes at one point to visit Rick however realizes he has to do something to cheer him up. So he goes to find Lynn Minmei who is on location filming a movie and tells her to visit Rick she happily agrees. Elsewhere the ace female Zentradi, Miriya is formally introduced to us, Kyrhon tells her that she may be a great pilot but that there is one Micronian she can not best! Miriya gets interested in this claim and launches an assault on the SDF-1! Roy goes into battle along with Max and Ben, the battle is fierce and Miriya and Max do battle with each other. Their fighting becomes so out of hand that they actually fight in the city, at the end however Max is the better Pilot and wins, Miriya retreats! During the battle Roy took a direct hit to his plane but ignored it. While at Claudia's house Roy passes away having lost too much blood. Lisa is forced to give Rick the unfortunate news, Rick is traumatize now losing his Big Brother! Episode 19: In this episode the SDF gets awarded political asylum in the Ontario Quadrant. However they have to make a journey there. Elsewhere Rick, Claudia, and Lisa all try to cope with the death of Roy Folker. The SDF finally makes it to the Ontario quadrant however the Zentradi mainly Kryhon's fleet launches an attack against the SDF. To counteract the attack Gloval decides to use the untested Fold Barrier. The Vermillion squad launch a counterattack against the Zentradi mecha, while Kryhon discovers a weakness in the fold barrier system, resulting in a chain reaction that cuases the barrrier system to overload and explode! Ben unfortunately gets caught in the blast and is killed! The Ontario Quadriant is somewhat destroyed in this battle and the political asylum is revoked they are outcast once again! Episode 20: After the battle of the Ontario Quadrant, the United Earth Government orders the SDF-1 to stock up on goods and leave earth. With the shock of becoming outcast the crew of the SDF-1 start preparations to leave earth. Captain Gloval goes on Macross TV to announce how they must leave earth and is very sorry about what has happened! Minmei then interupts Gloval and gives a heart felt speech about how the Macross is now home for her and someday they will return to the earth! With the citizens at ease, the SDF leaves for its journey to nowhere! Episode 21: Little White Dragon In this epiosde the premiere of Minmei's first movie little white dragon occurs cause various people including Rick and Lisa to go see the movie. Rick eventually walks out of the film, only to trip over a plant and bump into Lisa! The two of them start to argue, and eventually a siren goes off warning about the SDF-1 making its transformation into fighter mode, the two try to make it back to the base but end up getting trapped in a dead end, and the two start to have a converstation about who they love, and really start to have a heartfelt moment until the ship goes back to transformation and so the Love triangle of Rick and Lisa begins! Episode 22: The Zentradi decide to launch an attack on the SDF with the mission of infiltration and destroy on their minds. A huge battle erupts within the SDF 1 in which half the Zentradi defect in an attempt to live with the earthlings. Elsewhere a group of Zentradi attack the concert hall in which Minmei is giving a concert. Rick rushes in his veritech to rescue her! Episode 23: In this episode Rick gets to the concert hall only to see Minmei and Lynn Kyle kiss. Angry from what he has seen he takes it out on the enemy. Eventually with half the Zentradi defecting they are forced to withdrawl from the battle! Later on the Zentradi that did defect plead for polictical asylum and in fact are giving it in an attempt to hopefully end the war and the Zentradi's evil desires! After words Rick and Lisa survey the damaged that has been done to Macross city and eventually watch Kyle's parents resturant. Again the sirens blast and another battle wages outside the ship, Rick rushes out to do battle! At the end of the episode Lisa begs Gloval to let her go to earth to try and convince the UEG with the new Zentradi genetic data they have recieved! Episode 24: In this episode Lisa's shuttle heads out for the earth! Before goin she gives Rick a call to tell him to watch out for the defectors since the citizens of Macross still don't accept them and that she apreciates everything he has done for her and the armed forces. Thus her shuttle leaves but is later attacked by Zentradi, Rick comes to her aid and rescues her. They have yet again another discussion and then her shuttle leaves for earth! Rick starts to seem down, Max takes him to an arcade. At the arcade Max starts to fall for the girl playing the ace veritech arcade machine, which is really Miriya who is seeking out the person who defeated her in battle. The tow play a video game match with each other Max is the victor and eventually gets Miriya to go on a date with him tommorrow. Lisa shuttle finally makes it to the earth and her father is willing to talk to the UEG about negotiating peace with the Zentradi! Meanwhile back on SDF-1, Lynn Kyle and Lynn Minmei are holding a press conferance in which the two are asked when will they get married, Kyle says he hasn't had the chance to ask her, Minmei stays in shock! Rick pissed off about this storms out of his room only to hold a conversation with Claudia in which she hints to him Lisa in fact is in love with him and thus the episode ends! Episode 25: Wedding Bells In this episode Max waits for Miriya in the park but is in fact attack by her, and finds out she is indeed a Zentradi, the two go against each other in a sword duel, Max once again gets the best of her, and she pleads for her life to be ended. Max confesses that he can never kill someone as beautiful as her! The two kiss, Max ask Miriya to marry him, after some objections from Rick, the ceremony of the two's marriage is held! Breetai and Exedore decide to launch an attack on the SDF-1 but various groups of there forces do not wish to fight, causing a big problem for the Zentradi! Rick later thinks about Lisa some more and falls asleep thinking he may never see her again! Episode 26: The Messenger With the majority of the Zentradi fleet not willing to fight Breetai is forced to send Exedore to make peace with the humans! Exedore makes it to the SDF-1 and divulge's that with the Zentradi defection, the main forces of 4 million ships lead by Dolza will in fact come to earth to destroy the planet and the defective Zentradi unless the two groups can somehow divise a way to beat them! At the end of the episode the 4 million ships start to fold from space! Is this the end of Earth and the SDF-1? Episode 27: Force of Arms The final battle begins, Rick and Minmei give their final farwells to each other and kiss. A plan is divesed to use culture shock against Dolza's fleet, once Dolza's ship is destroyed the rest will be thrown into chaos! The massive war starts with a bang as Dolza destroys the earth in one shot all of the huamns on the planet die for the expection of Lisa, Rick goes into battle only to get shot down, because of this he manages to pick up Lisa's frequency and in fact saves her. THe SDF-1 manages to infiltrate into Dolza's ship and infact destroys Dolza's ship putting an end to the war. Lisa and Rick survery the chaos on earth, thinking they might in fact be the last two humans alive. That is until the SDF-1 starts to make its descent towards earth, the two race off in the veritech holding each other, the War is finally over!? Episode 28: Reconstruction Blues Two years have passed since the war. Some cities have been rebuilt on the decimated earth. The RDF's mission is now to take care of the Rouge Zentradi that do not live in peace with the humans. Rick discovers on a recon mission that the earth is starting to recover from nuclear fall out! Rick pays a visit to the city Minmei is singing in, and discovers that Lynn Kyle has infact become more of a jerk and abusive towards Minmei! Before he can do anything though he is order to take care of some Rouge Zentradi that are causing trouble, the rebellion is extingushed, and after the battle a jealous Lisa gives Rick photo's of her to put in his photo album that has nothing but Lynn Minmei pics! Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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