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Zoids Chaotic Century Episode Sums Episode 5. Sleeper Trap Van and Fiona are traveling through the desert again. Van's Shield Liger's leg is damaged and Van wants to find a place to camp for the night. Fiona eats Van's papaya and Zeke notices a Gustav traveling behind them. The pilot of the Gustav is the transporter Moonbay, who looks at the Liger's leg. They decide to camp together, but then are attacked by a large group of Guysacks. They run away and Zeke doesn't have a chance to fuse with the Liger. Irvine arrives to help out and starts shooting all of the Guysacks. He and Moonbay have met before. Irvine gets hit when he's making sure that Zeke is okay and Van helps him out. There are no more Guysacks to deal with, and Moonbay finds a ruined city to camp out in. Once they get there, Moonbay fixes Irvine's Command Wolf so it will heal faster. She then fixes the Shield Liger. At dinner, Van tells her how he met Fiona and Zeke and asks her about Zoid Eve, which she has never heard of. Van, Fiona, and Zeke then go see if they can find anything useful in the ruins. Irvine talks to Moonbay and tells her that he figures that those Guysacks were sleepers, Zoids without pilots that are programmed to attack certain things. Moonbay tells him that she is transporting Imperial ammo and that's why they attacked. Moonbay is proud that she has never failed to deliver her cargo. Van goes swimming in a pool of water and finds the remains of a Zoid at the bottom. He tells Moonbay and Irvine while a bunch of Guysack sleepers surround the ruined city. Irvine is about to try to steal Zeke when Van confronts him, but then the Guysacks attack. Irvine tells them that they're in a sleeper trap. The Guysacks that attacked them in the desert wanted to lure them to this city so that they could be surrounded. The Zoid remains in the water was probably one of their victims. Everyone gets in their Zoids and tries to leave. Van and Irvine help Moonbay out. They all run away and Irvine yells at Moonbay to get rid of her cargo because if the Guysacks score a direct hit, it will explode. Moonbay, of course, refuses. She breaks away from the others and heads into a path through a cliff. After a while she is surrounded by the Guysacks, but Van and Irvine rescue her. They fire at the Guysacks until they run out of ammo. Moonbay comes up with a plan and yells for Van and Irvine to run. She dumps her cargo and runs too and the Guysacks crawl all over the cargo. They cause it to explode and Van cries out for Moonbay because he thinks she died, but then Moonbay appears and tells him that her Gustav has really thick armor. Irvine calls Van a kid a few times and then leaves. Moonbay gets Van to be her protector because she dumped all of that ammo to save him. Episode 6. Jump! Zeke! Van, Fiona, and Moonbay are traveling along when Fiona makes them stop so they don't run over a grasshopper. She says it looked ready to fight. Later, they have dinner and a Gordos approaches them. The pilot is Rob Hermann of the Republican army. His men check out Moonbay's cargo and find that she's carrying a Shield Liger without a registation number. Van and Fiona explain that Zeke revived the Liger and it wasn't stolen. Hermann thinks Zeke is an Organoid wants to take him, but Van yells for Zeke to run away. He attacks O'Connell to buy time for Zeke to run. Then Hermann takes Van and the others prisoner for attacking his subordinate. Van and the others are taken to a Republican base and thrown into cells. Van finds that Irvine has been captured too. Irvine was out of ammo so he thought he'd "borrow" some from this base. Then Van and the others talk about the war, and elsewhere Hermann and O'Connell talk about it too. Hermann checks out Van's Liger and sees that Van was telling the truth about not stealing it, but since he attacked O'Connell he would have to stay locked up. VAn says that's not fair, and then Hermann tries to make Van a deal. He'd let Van out if he'd work for him. Van refuses, though Moonbay wants to work for him, but Hermann doesn't take her seriously. Later, Zeke runs into the base and fuses with the Liger. He runs around in it looking for Van. All the guards have run out to deal with the Liger, so Irvine uses his hidden explosives to break out of the cell, but doesn't have any more to help out Moonbay and Fiona. Van wants to help them, but they tell him to get out and come back later. Irvine and Van find their Zoids and get out separate ways. Hermann and two others get into Pteras units and chase Irvine into a path between two cliffs. Van finds Irvine and the Pteras units prepare to attack. Both Van and Irvine are out of ammo and Irvine tries to run, but is stopped by the Pteras units. Meanwhile, O'Connell opens Moonbay and Fiona's cell to take them somewhere, and Moonbay manages to knock away O'Connell's gun and grab him from behind. Fiona picks up the gun and Moonbay tells O'Connell that she has a deal for him. Van is not going to give up, and uses the sides of the cliffs to jump up and take out two of the Pteras units. He tries to get Hermann, but misses. Irvine yells for Van to jump again and jumps up to. Irvine makes Van jump off the back of his Command Wolf so he can reach and attack Hermann. While he's floating down in his parachute, Hermann sees the Imperial army coming closer. Moonbay and O'Connell finish their deal. Moonbay will work for them and she'll get the others to sign later. Episode 7. The Battle of Red River Van rides on Zeke and tries to rescue Fiona and Moonbay, but is stopped by some guards and O'Connell. They were waiting for him, and Moonbay and Fiona arrive to explain the deal they made. Later, Hermann orders everyone to get ready for combat. Moonbay asks about her cargo, which is Imperial ammo, but a Republican detonator. Since it was made in the Republic, it's reliability isn't that good. Moonbay is going to go to a bridge and blow it up with her cargo so Imperial reinforcements can't get across. In another room, Hermann and all of his soldiers review the battle plan. Meanwhile, Karl Shubaltz, the commander of the part of the Imperial army that Hermann's worried about, is given orders by Minister Prozen to attack. He doesn't want to, but can't disobey orders. When Prozen's not listening, Karl insults him (yeah! Go Karl!). The Republicans leave to confront the Imperial army. Moonbay leaves in another direction to go and blow up the bridge. Hermann tells Van that they are relying on him. Irvine watches from a cliff. The Republicans finally confront the Imperial army, and Karl Shubaltz and Hermann talk. Hermann wants them to leave, but they don't. Everyone waits for something to happen. Prozen gives some orders to an idiot called Marcus to start the fighting. Rosso and Viola are sent a Republican Pteras and are given orders to attack the Imperial army to start the fighting. Moonbay gets to the bridge she has to blow up and Hermann tells her to wait. Two guards come and question her, but Moonbay tells them that she's having mechanical problems. The guards tell her to fix it. Viola flies in a Pteras and shoots at the Imperial army, then flies away. Karl is forced to attack even though he doesn't want to. The Republicans and Imperial troops fight and Zeke fuses with the Liger. Moonbay is told to blow up the bridge now, so she dumps her cargo and tries to blow it up, but it doesn't work. She and Fiona are captured by guards. Hermann tells Van to go blow up the ammo. He has to jump a huge distance to get there, though. He leaves to go do it and meets up with Irvine, who's been waiting for him. Irvine tells Van that he's going to help him jump across, smirks, and presses a trigger. The land Van is standing on is blown away from the cliff and starts to fall. Van jumps the rest of the way across. Van gets to Fire Bridge, saves Fiona and Moonbay, and blows up the ammo, destroying the bridge. Karl orders his troops to retreat because the Republicans will have back-up soon. Van leads the Gustav right through the retreating Imperial troops. He runs past Karl in his Dark Horn. Karl silently thanks the pilot of the Shield Liger, and Moonbay promises to cook a huge dinner for Van. Episode 8. The Road to the Republic Marcus doesn't let Rosso and Viola back into the Imperial army even though he ordered them to attack the Imperial troops. Marcus is trying to put all the blame on Rosso, but Rosso won't stand for it. Meanwhile, Hermann tells Van that he's never heard of Zoid Eve and Irvine tries to steal Zeke again, but Van stops him. They are going to go to the Republican capital city to see if anyone knows anything about Zoid Eve there (there's an institute that specializes in ancient ruins). Moonbay takes everyone in her Gustav to a town to stock up on supplies before they make the journey across the desert. They spend the night in a hotel and Irvine torments Van about Zeke. The next day, Van is still mad and Fiona and Zeke tease him about it. Moonbay goes off with Van to shop while Irvine follows Zeke and Fiona, and ends up having to pay for everything Fiona buys. Van's worried about Irvine stealing Zeke so Moonbay suggests that they go check if his Command Wolf is still there, but they are stopped by Rosso's men. They want Zeke, but Van and Moonbay run away. After a long chase, one of Rosso's men firing a gun to chase the crowd away, and a part where Van hid in a barrel, he and Moonbay finally get to the Gustav, only to be captured by Viola and tied up to the Liger. Irvine, Fiona, and Zeke see that they are tied up and Fiona walks over them to untie them, but is captured. Irvine uses the distraction to untie Moonbay and Van and then is chased away. Van and Moonbay run too and Zeke fuses with the Liger. Van gets in his Zoid and prepares to fight Rosso in his Red Horn. Irvine gets in his Command Wolf and fights Viola. Rosso fires at Van, but his Red Horn is too tough for Van's fire to dent. Rosso fires some more, but Zeke puts up the Liger's shield. Van rams Rosso with the shield on, but then some Imperial troops, Molgas, arrive to cature Rosso. Van, Irvine, and Moonbay run away, and Rosso disbands his gang. Viola doesn't want to leave, but Rosso orders her too. Rosso hopes that Van doesn't get captured, since he beat his gang, as the Imperial troops draw closer to him. Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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