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Zoids Chaotic Century Episode Sums Episode 14. Wake Up! Zeke! Colonel Krueger watches the Imperial army clean up their destroyed Molgas. He was the one who came up with the plan to destroy the Cronos Fortress to score a big blow on the Imperial army. Meanwhile, Van really wants to help Zeke, who is unconscious from the battle with Raven. They are in a town looking for help, since Van refuses to turn to the Republican army. He doesn't want to be involved in the war ever again. Van runs into a store to find human medicine, but Moonbay tells him it won't help Zeke. Van breaks down and tells Fiona that when Zeke wakes up he's going home. He doesn't want to keep looking for Zoid Eve if it will put Zeke in more danger. Irvine explains that he should just let Zeke go then, because being a great Zoid pilot means that you also have to fight, so he'll take Fiona and Zeke to look for Zoid Eve. Just then, a man appears from behind the counter. It's Dr. D, who is looking to buy some sun cream since he was sunburned because the sun reflects off of the snow. Van and the others crack up and laugh when they see him. Dr. D also broke his leg while skiing. Van begs Dr. D to help Zeke, and Dr. D tells Van that he has to go to a nearby volcano and get Zoid magnite to revive Zeke. He has to get it before sunset or it might be too late. Moonbay gives Van a ride there while Fiona takes care of Zeke. Irvine leaves to go fight Raven and Dr. D tells him to go to a Republican base and pick up a weapon that's useful against fast-moving Zoids. Meanwhile, Karl talks to Marcus and rubs in the fact that Marcus fell for a trick by Colonel Krueger. Van and Moonbay travel to the volcano while Irvine goes to a base, gives them Dr. D's name, and has a weapon (a big gun that shoots out a lot of spikes, and guns on the head) equipped onto the Command Wolf. Van and Moonbay put on special suits to resist the heat and Van is lowered down into the crater of the volcano to get some Zoid magnite that Moonbay spotted. He manages to get it, but then his suit starts to give out (it was made in the Republic). Moonbay pulls him back up and they barely manage to escape being melted by the magma. Meanwhile, Irvine confronts Raven and they battle. Irvine shoots out spikes from the gun on his back and one manages to slice through the Saber Fang's leg and trap it. Raven calls for Shadow and the Organoid fuses with the Saber Fang and then rips off the leg that was hit by the spike. Irvine shoots out a lot more spikes, but Raven manages to dodge them all with Shadow's help. Raven leaps up and lands on Irvine, pinning him to the ground. Irvine fires some flash bombs to distract Raven and escape. Later, Van puts the Zoid magnite in Zeke's mouth and the Organoid is revived. Episode 15. Deploy the ZG The Imperial army clears away the debris of the destroyed Cronos Fortress while Karl explains to Marcus that the Republicans did that on purpose to slow them down. Then it starts to rain. Van waits by Zeke while the Organoid recovers. Moonbay, Fiona, and Dr. D arrive in the shed Van's in and Van leaves to go fix the roof. Meanwhile, Krueger, in the Mt. Osa base, talks to one of his officers about the Imperial army and he decides that he will use the ZG (Gojulas) in the next battle. Irvine is in the Mt. Osa base checking out some weapons to fight Raven with when he finds the ZG. The Imperial army is on the move, led by Karl, and they run into some sleeper Guysacks. Karl uses his Iron Kong to destroy them in one round. Hermann flies overhead in a Pteras, with a few other Pteras units with him, heading towards the Mt. Osa base. Van finishes fixing the roof and sees that the battle has started up again. Moonbay, Fiona, and Dr. D come out and Dr. D starts to leave. Van stops him and asks him where Irvine is. He figures out that he went to find Raven. Then Van tells Dr. D that Irvine has helped him out so many times, so he doesn't want to just abandon him. Dr. D tells Van that Irvine is at Mt. Osa base and Van leaves in the Shield Liger, without Zeke, to find him. Meanwhile, Krueger confronts Irvine and asks him why he is a Zoid pilot. Irvine doesn't know, but Krueger asks him if he became one to learn to fight better or become stronger. Irvine says that it's a little of both. Krueger tells Irvine that Zoids are alive, that they are more than just a weapon. They can sense a pilots feelings and use them to help them fight in battle. Meanwhile, Hermann arrives at the base and decides that he will pilot the ZG instead of Krueger, because he thinks he is a better option. Then the Imperial army attacks and Krueger is knocked down and injured from an explosion. Irvine helps him while Hermann runs to the hangar where the ZG is. Irvine wants to pilot it, but Hermann refuses to let him and mobilizes it. Krueger tells Irvine to go watch the battle. The ZG goes out onto the battlefield and starts shooting, destroying a lot of Imperial troops. Raven and Shadow watch the battle while Van runs into the base. Irvine is knocked down by an explosion and he falls, but catches into a bar, and then slips. Van rushes in and catches him on the Liger's paw, using the shield to protect him from being hit by rocks. Van is happy that he was able to pilot the Liger well without Zeke's help. Meanwhile, Karl orders the Imperial army to retreat. Hermann tries to go after them in the Gojulas, but screws up and the Zoid trips over. Raven and Shadow watch and Raven comments that if he was there, none of them would have gotten away. Later, Van and Irvine go back to the others and find that Zeke has fully recovered, which makes Van happy. Episode 16. New Helic City There's a parade in New Helic City celebrating the Republican's latest victory and Irvine, Moonbay, and Fiona watch it. Van and Zeke wander away and see a lone Imperial soldier being harassed by some Republicans. The Imperial soldier had escaped and was trying to get away from the city. Van feels that the right thing to do is to help him, so he and Zeke chase the Republicans away. The soldier runs away and drops a picture of him and his mother, and Van picks it up. He meets the others at a cafe and tells them what happened. Irvine leaves for a moment and Moonbay says that they should go to the institute that specializes in ancient ruins. Just then, a few trucks pull up with Republican guards in them and one of the guys that Van and Zeke chased away (he told the guards about how Van helped the Imperial soldier). The guards accuse him of being an Imperial spy and don't believe that Hermann gave them their letter that he wrote for them. Irvine drives up in a jeep, throws a smoke bomb, and Van and the others get in and drive away with Zeke running after them. Irvine drives until one of the tires on his jeep is shot, and then they start running. The run into a dead end, but then a guy wearing a frog mask that covers his whole head pops out of the sewer. He takes them down into the sewer while a balloon is released to distract the guards. Irvine takes off the guy's mask and he turns out to be Dr. D! Dr. D takes them to the institute and they break in. They explore the building and finds a huge rock pillar with ancient writing on it, like the one Fiona was looking at when she first said 'Zoid Eve', but Fiona doesn't remember anything and just gets a headache. Then they are surrounded and captured by Republican soldiers. Meanwhile, a large iceberg is headed towards the city. A lady informs the President (President Camford) about the prisoners, Hermann (her son), and the letter (they can't confirm if it's real because Hermann is away checking out the iceberg). A guard laughs at Van and tells him that Zeke has been taken away and will be dissected. Van yells at him and then the President and the lady enter. Van yells at them too, but finds out that the old lady is the President and that Hermann is her son. The President sees Dr. D with them and lets them out. Later, Van and Zeke meet up happily and the President asks Dr. D to help out the Republic in the war, but Dr. D doesn't want to be dragged into another one. Van and the others are looking at the city when they see explosions. The Imperial soldier Van helped has stolen a powerful modified Command Wolf and is fighting some Republic Zoids on the streets.Later, Van and the others look at the damage and Van becomes really angry, drops the soldier's picture, and runs off with Zeke. Meanwhile, the soldier is running away from the city when he sees a Shield Liger ahead of him. Van yells at him and and the soldier attacks out of fear. Van blocks the shots with his shield, and then knocks him over with his shield and the guy is thrown out of the cockpit. The soldier runs, but Van leaps out of his Zoid and chases after him. He jumps on the guy screaming and asking how he could do that. The guy says he was afraid and just trying to get away. Van nearly punches him and starts crying. Irvine and the others arrive and Irvine yells for the soldier to leave or else, and the he does. Dr. D tells Van that he did the right thing by helping the soldier, because a life is a life. It doesn't matter if it's a Republican or Imperial one. Van still cries, though. Meanwhile, Hermann, in a Pteras with two other Pteras units, checks out the iceberg and shoots it to make sure everything's okay, but then he sees oil near the bottom of it. Missiles are launched from the iceberg and snow appears. Then the two other Pteras units are shot down and Hermann tries to contact New Helic City, but can't (due to the jamming snow). Hermann is then shot down. Beneath the iceberg, there is a large Imperial submarine. Inside the submarine is Prozen, planning an attack on New Helic City. Episode 17. The Longest Night of the Republic Hermannand his two men swim towards New Helic City to warn them about the Imperial army in the "iceberg". Van, Irvine, and Moonbay talk about Zoid Eve while Fiona sleeps. Moonbay found out that some guys in the Empire are willing to pay a lot of money for any useful information about Zoid Eve, which means that it might be a powerful weapon or something. Van only wants to find it to help Fiona get back her memory. They decide to check out some ruins in the Empire. Meanwhile, the President goes to Mt. Osa Base and learns the plans for attack. Krueger is recovering in bed playing a simulation of the Imperial army's attack on New Helic City, but he finds it disturbing that he always wins. A soldier asks why, and Krueger says that he's been playing on the side of the Empire. The President is traveling in her limo when she gets a call from O'Connell asking to search for Hermann, but she refuses to let him go. Meanwhile, Prozen and the Imperial army travel closer to New Helic City. He makes a call to the Emperor promising that he will crush the Republic (aka "the rebels") and then orders more jamming snow to be released. Van and the others eat in a restaurant and Moonbay explains (read as: yells) to Van that they need to save their money to buy supplies so they can't eat any more. Then they hear O'Connell enter the place saying that if someone would go look for Hermann then he'd pay them a lot of money. Moonbay goes up to him and makes him a deal. Later, Van, Irvine, Moonbay, and Fiona get in their Zoids and break into a base. Moonbay and Fiona steal a Pteras and fly out to look for Hermann. Irvine keeps a light on so they can keep track of their position. Then it starts to snow, but Fiona says that it's not real snow. Dr. D is fishing and he catches what turns out to be Hermann and his two men. Hermann tries to contact the city with Dr. D's radio, but it won't work because of the jamming snow. Dr. D reveals his identity to Hermann and they see a black Command Wolf and a Shield Liger approaching. Meanwhile, Karl Shubaltz and Marcus plan to attack Mt. Osa Base to draw the Republic's attention to them while the main army attacks the city. Moonbay finds Van and the others and takes a message from Hermann. She has to tell Mt. Osa Base that the main attack will be on the city and the attack there is a diversion. At Mt. Osa Base, the ZG is mobilized as Karl's troops attack. Van is taking Hermann to the city in the Shield Liger, but they see a base being blown up and a red Saber Fang walks out of the flames (guess who?). Raven challenges Van to a fight and their Organoids fuse with their Zoids. They begin to fight, and Van's doing pretty well with Hermann's help. Meanwhile, Irvine runs to Mt. Osa Base and tells the ZG's pilot that the main attack is going to be on New Helic City. He and the Gojulas then leave while O'Connell's unit of white Command Wolves hold of Karl's troops. Krueger is out of bed now (he's at Mt. Osa Base), and orders everyone to go to New Helic City and take the Zoids with them. The soldiers don't want to leave, but Moonbay and Fiona arrive to tell them that the main attack will be on the city. Hermann tells Van that he can tell when the Saber Fang will charge when he sees the right front leg make a slight movement. That's when he has to attack. Van watches carefully and sees the leg twitch, and then the Saber Fang leaps into the air. Van puts on the shield and rams the Saber Fang's belly, damaging it. Van and Raven face off again, but then they start to be fired at by the "iceberg" for some reason. Van and Hermann leave quickly while Raven yells for Van to come back and fight. Episode 18. The Defense of the City Prince Rudolf, the grandson of the Emperor of Guylos, is informed that his grandfather's condition is taken a turn for the worse, and that's bad since he was already sick and he's really old. Rudolf runs to talk to his grandfather through a transmission. The Emperor tells Rudolf that when he dies, Prozen will take care of him and he's now attacking the Republic so that they can conquer it it and Rudolf will have a peaceful land to rule. Rudolf says that he doesn't want that and all he wants is for the Emperor to get better, but then the old man passes away. Rudolf starts to cry for his grandfather. While all of this is taking place, Hermann prepares the Republican troops for battle as the "iceberg" comes closer to New Helic City. Van and Zeke don't want to fight in the war anymore. The iceberg reaches shore and opens and tons of Imperial Zoids come out of it. Prozen contacts the President telling her that he wants an unconditional surrender, but the President refuses. Prozen tells her that she has to surrender or the Republic will be destroyed. He gives her until noon to answer. Irvine talks to some Republican soldiers and figures out that Krueger, Moonbay, and Fiona are still in Mt. Osa Base, which is being attacked by Karl's and Marcus's troops. Krueger plans to sacrifice himself and self-destruct the base and tells Moonbay and Fiona to get out. They have already set the explosives for him, but refuse to let him die like that. When he doesn't give in, Fiona knocks him out with a frying pan. Karl stops his troops from entering the base because he suspects a trap, but Marcus and his troops charge in. Meanwhile, Irvine tells Van where Moonbay and Fiona are. Moonbay is flying a Pteras with Fiona and Krueger as passengers and she tells Fiona to hit the button on the remote that will blow up the base. She set the explosives to that remote. Fiona doesn't want to, but then Krueger wakes up and presses the button for her, only to find that it didn't work. He's then knocked out by Fiona again. Meanwhile, the Republic and Imperial armies face off near New Helic City waiting for the President's decision. Dr. D then shows up and tells Hermann that he has a plan. Mt. Osa Base is built inside the volcano, so if they can make the volcano erupt, then hopefully the base will explode and they can force the Imperial troops there to retreat. Then they can negotiate a cease-fire with Prozen. They can make the volcano erupt by launching missiles into it with Pteras units. Hermann is not sure about going in with only Pteras units, so Dr. D suggests that Van and Zeke go along. Van and Zeke say they will. Meanwhile, Krueger wakes up and comes up with the same plan as Dr. D when Fiona mentions the volcano. Moonbay tries to make it erupt with some missiles, but it doesn't work. The President is wondering what to do when she gets a call from Hermann, who tells her the plan. She agrees to it and he thanks her. Three Pteras units, with Dr. D in one of them, go with Van to erupt the volcano. Meanwhile, Raven shoots down Moonbay's Pteras and is about to attack her when Van and the others arrive. Raven and Van prepare to fight once again. It's noon now and the Imperial army attacks and the Republican army fights back. Moonbay, Fiona, and Krueger hitch a ride with the other Pteras units. Van and Raven start fighting, but Raven dodges all of Van's attacks even though his Saber Fang is damaged. Missiles are launched into the volcano, and it starts to erupt! Inside Mt. Osa Base, all of the Zoids' command systems freeze and the Zoids start to retreat by themselves. Marcus's Iron Kong freezes too and Karl tells him to get out of there, but he refuses. He gets caught in lava and dies and Karl salutes him, then orders all of his troops to retreat. Van and Raven go in for close combat and Van puts up the Liger's shield. Raven starts to force his Saber Fang through the shield even though his Zoid is being torn apart in the process. Finally, Raven's Zoid falls apart, but Shadow takes Raven out of it before it's destroyed. Van's shocked from all of this and Raven vows to fight Van again. Meanwhile, the President contacts Prozen and tells him that his troops are retreating from Mt. Osa Base and suggests a cease-fire. Prozen doesn't believe her, but then a soldier confirms him that it's true. Then, Prince Rudolf contacts all of the Republic and Empire and tells them that the Emperor has passed away, so now he leads the Empire. He says that he doesn't want the war to go on any longer and orders the Imperial army to retreat and wishes the best of luck to the President and the Republic. Prozen has no choice but to obey Rudolf. The Republic has won the war! Or maybe the Empire decided to lose it. Anyway, Van meets up with Fiona again and Moonbay wonders how much she should charge the President for all of this. Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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