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Zoids Chaotic Century Episode Sums Episode 19. Prozen's Conspiracy Viola and her gang bust Rosso out of jail by using Molgas to shoot through the wall and a Redler to carry him away. At a lake, Zeke gets freaked out by a fish and Van and Fiona plan to catch a lot of them. Moonbay wants to get going because she's worried about the Empire finding Zoid Eve first, but Irvine tells her to relax since the Empire will be busy with the old Emperor's funeral. Rudolf is working to fulfill his duties as Emperor right away and reflects on how his grandfather gave him his golden ring with the seal of the Empire on it, which is proof that he is the Emperor. In the place where the funeral will be held, Prozen talks to a guy and remarks about how the old Emperor was like a father to him, while the guy tells Prozen that he has to take care of Rudolf. Later, Rosso talks with his gang and they show him the new Zoid they got, an Iron Kong. The plan is to kidnap Rudolf and get rich from the ransom money. Van and the others end up not catching any fish. They plan to head for some ruins the next day. Meanwhile at night, Prozen, dressed in a cloak, meets with a guy. He wants the guy to kill Rudolf, but make it look like the Republicans did it, so they are using Command Wolves. Prozen wants to rule the Empire and is willing to kill Rudolf to do it. Rosso and Viola scope out the palace and Rudolf's Redler. The prince will only be guarded by two or three Rev Redlers, so Rosso plans to go in and get the prince in only about three minutes. They will have to run past some Dark Horns too. A guy, under the command of the guy Prozen hired to kill Rudolf (which will now be called 'Prozen's gang') spots Rosso and Viola and follows them, but they know he's there. Rosso contacts his gang and plans what to do with the guy. They enter a cave and Prozen's gang fires a rocket into the cave and then leave since they think they killed Rosso and the others. Inside the cave, Rosso and his gang are crammed into a Molga and are safe. They decide to 'pay a visit' to the other gang. Rosso notes that Prozen's gang is using Republican Command Wolves, so they attack the Zoids with Viola's Redler, with Rosso and the others crammed inside (again). Prozen's gang runs out and they see what's going on. Rosso changes the plan since they were close enough to the palace that everyone in there could hear the explosion so guards will come to check out what's going on. It will be easy to sneak into the palace and get Rudolf with most of the guards gone. Meanwhile, Rudolf is put in a room for his protection, since they heard the explosion, and they wait for the guards, Dark Horns, to check it out. The Dark Horns get there, see the destroyed Wolves, think the Republic is behind it, and then have their Zoids taken over by Prozen's gang, and the pilots are knocked out. Rosso and the others get into their Zoids, the Iron Kong, Redler, and two Molgas, and attack the palace. Rosso and Viola break into the palace together and easily get through any guards. Rudolf is in a room full of armed Imperial soldiers. They hear footsteps approach the door and the handles turns. The guards shoot at the door and destroy it, but no one's behind it. Then Rosso bursts through the window and points a gun at Rudolf. Viola appears through the door and they take Rudolf up to the top of the palace. Prozen's gang shows up in Dark Horns and shoot at the roof of the palace. Rosso protects Rudolf and figures out that the other gang wants to kill the prince. The Molgas shoot the Dark Horns and Rosso gets in the Iron Kong with Rudolf and his whole gang gets away. Prozen gets a call saying that Rudolf has been kidnapped, hangs up, and mutters that the guy he hired screwed up. Later, Rosso's gang tell him and Viola that their Molgas are too damaged to keep up and they want him and Viola to go ahead without them, and they'll meet up later. Rosso and Viola have no choice but to go ahead. Meanwhile, Van and the others are almost at the ruins. Episode 20. The Resurrection Monster Prozen looks down at a huge tank and a scientist tells him that they are making a lot of progress on the project. He also says that the other one is almost ready. The scientist keeps on talking until Prozen shuts him up and has some guards take him away. Van and the others get to some ruins. Van says that he found Zeke and Fiona in a secret room, so they decide to look around for any sign of a secret passageway. They then split up into two groups. Moonbay and Irvine go look around one part of the ruins while Van, Fiona, and Zeke search another part. Irvine notes that part of a corner of a wall looks weird, like something came through the hall recently. Then Moonbay unknowingly walks through a small beam of light near the floor, which activates a Rev Raptor sleeper and she and Irvine are chased around by it. Meanwhile, Fiona falls off a tree while trying to get an orange for Van, who yells at her for that. Later, Van spins around to choose a direction to search in and ends up facing towards the corrider they came from, so they go in the opposite direction. Moonbay contacts them yelling something about a trap, so Van and Fiona decide to go help her and Irvine, but walk through a beam of light near the floor. Irvine and Moonbay are still being chased by the Rev Raptor sleeper. Moonbay wonders how Van, Fiona, and Zeke are doing, and Irvine points them out to her. They are running from a Rev Raptor sleeper in a corrider opposite their's. Van helps Fiona up onto Zeke's back, but she falls off when she tries to pull him up. Zeke attacks the Raptor to keep it from hurting Fiona and Van, but gets knocked away and stuck under some rocks. Van and Fiona run away, since their only chance now is to find the Shield Liger. Irvine and Moonbay hide from their Rev Raptor sleeper, and Irvine talks about why the sleepers are here. The Empire must have had an important reason to put sleepers in these ruins, so he decides that they need to get rid of the Raptors and search the ruins. Meanwhile, Rudolf is still with Rosso and Viola. He's sleeping in the Iron Kong while Rosso and Viola make dinner and talk about what to do with Rudolf. Rosso says that he'll hand Rudolf over to whoever pays the most, whether it be the Empire or the guys trying to kill Rudolf. Rudolf wakes up and sneaks out of the Iron Kong. Rosso spots him and goes after him. Rudolf keeps running through the desert until he collapses and Rosso, who was walking, catches up. Rudolf figures out that Rosso wants money, but he refuses to go back with him. Rosso makes no attempt to force Rudolf to go anywhere, so Rudolf just keeps walking through the desert with Rosso following him. Rudolf collapses again, and Rosso drinks some water near the kid. Then he gives some water to Rudolf, who drinks it but still refuses to go back with him. He gets up and limps forward a bit before collapsing again. Only when Rosso puts a cloak over the kid's head does Rudolf finally go back to Viola with him. Later, Rosso has agreed to hand Rudolf over to Prozen's gang for a lot of money. The main guy throws the money, which is in a briefcase, towards Rosso and it lands a bit away from him. Rosso wants to know what's going to happen to Rudolf, but the guy refuses to tell him. Then Rosso makes Rudolf walk forward slowly and picks up the money when he gets to it. Rudolf has to keep walking forward, but when he's almost there, Rosso throws the briefcase at the guys, who pull out guns and shoot it, making it explode (it was a trap). Rosso grabs Rudolf and runs for the Iron Kong. The guys try to get into their Dark Horns, but are stopped by Viola in her Redler. Rosso tells Rudolf that the guys are trying to kill him, so if he wants to live then he has to come with him and Viola. Rudolf agrees to this, and they get into the Iron Kong and make a run for it with Viola following them. Now it's up to Rosso and Viola to protect Rudolf. Meanwhile, Van and Fiona manage to get outside, but are then trapped at the edge of a cliff by a Rev Raptor sleeper. Irvine and Moonbay get there just in time to see them fall, but they are caught by Zeke, who has fused with the Shield Liger. Van fights the sleepers, and tricks them by letting them slice each other with their own blades. Then more sleepers appear and they shoot at the Liger, which puts up its shield. Van beats all of the Rev Raptor sleepers with little difficulty and then everyone goes to check out the ruins. They don't find anything for a while, but then Van finds a bit of a tablet with a marking on it. Fiona touches it, freaks out, and mutters 'Death Saurer'. The others have no idea what she's talking about. Meanwhile, Prozen talks to Raven and Shadow and gives them a gift, which turns out to be 'the other project' the scientist was talking about. Episode 21. The Charged Particle Gun An unknown Zoid (read as: the Geno Saurer) walks through a forest, but is stopped by a gang of bandits. The pilot of the unknown Zoid turns out to be Raven, who is looking for Rosso (and Rudolf). The leader of the gang makes fun of Raven, so he ends up being attacked and destroyed, easily. Meanwhile, Van and the others are just sitting around wondering where to go to next when Van kicks a rock into some bushes and hits a kid, who turns out to be Rudolf. They don't know who he is though. Van apologizes and Rudolf hits him on the head, saying that it's a law of his land. A hit on the head for a hit on the head. Rosso and Viola are looking for Rudolf while Van and Rudolf argue about whether Rudolf is lost or not, and Van thinks he wins the argument. Rudolf says he was just trying to find some food for his parents (Rosso and Viola, who are not really his parents. Rudolf just says they are so Van won't find out who he really is.). Moonbay tries to sell him some food for his golden ring, which hangs around his neck, but Van stops her, though she does see the mark of the Empire on the ring. Prozen talks to some guys, saying that if Rudolf isn't found before the Emperor's funeral is over then he will become Emperor, since someone needs to rule. Rosso and Viola are still looking for Rudolf. Viola asks whether he would like to go to Mt. Iselina with Rudolf and her sometime when this is all over. Then they see something, a Zoid, moving through the forest really fast. It's Raven, and Shadow has sniffed out where Rudolf, and Van, are. Rudolf is ready to go, but he's still lost. Moonbay decides that they should help him out, since they don't have anything better to do. Then Fiona goes into her freaky mode and says that something evil, which never should have been born into the world, is coming and tells everyone to leave, and Zeke roars. Everyone watches the forest and then a Redler flies by and gets shot down by a large beam of energy. Rudolf yells Viola's name, and then another beam comes out of the forest and knocks the Command Wolf and Shield Liger over. Van and Rudolf get in the Liger, with Zeke, Fiona and Moonbay get in the Gustav, and Irvine gets in the Wolf. The Geno Saurer walks out of the forest and Van and Raven fight. Rudolf notes that the Saurer is a lot more powerful than the Liger and tries to get Van to negotiate, but Van says that Raven isn't that kind of guy. Besides, a hit on the head for a hit on the head is the law of the land. Van puts up his shield and charges for Raven, who clamps down his foot-locks, opens up his tail, and exposes a gun barrel inside the Saurer's mouth. Energy starts to collect around the mouth gun barrel, and then Raven fires. A beam of energy shoots out and breaks through the Liger's shield, damaging the Zoid. Irvine can't help since his system is frozen. Raven powers up another charged particle beam, but something forces the beam away from Van. It's Rosso and Viola in the Iron Kong. Rosso and Viola won't let Raven shoot Rudolf so Raven launches one of the Saurer's claws to send an electric shock to the Kong. Rosso shakes it off and tries to punch the Saurer, but the fist gets caught by the Saurer's mouth. Raven then tears off the fist, and Rudolf calls Rosso and Viola his parents, and they thank him for that. Rosso and Viola hold the Geno Saurer while Van and the others run away. Raven shocks them again, but they won't let go. Rosso tells Viola that he would have loved to go to Mt. Iselina with her and Rudolf. Then all the energy creates an explosion and Rudolf screams when he hears it. Raven decides to let Van get a head start and the destroyed Iron Kong is seen behind him. Van screams out his fury for Raven. Episode 22. Farewell to a Friend Rudolf wakes up from a bad dream and looks at his ring, wondering if he'll ever get home. In the morning, he asks to be taken to Guygalos, saying that there will be a reward. He also asks Van to teach him how to pilot a Zoid. Van is startled but he agrees. Meanwhile, Prozen is organizing search parties to find Rudolf (yeah right. haha). Redlers and Rev Raptors are looking for Rudolf, but Raven spots them and decides to go check them out. Moonbay and the others are ready to go, but Van's letting Rudolf pilot the Liger, and Rudolf's really bad at it (the Liger's running really weird, like it's legs can't move forward or backward that well). Rudolf tries to stop, but only manages to make the Liger go faster. They almost fall off of a cliff, manage to stop just in time, but then they fall. Later, Van and Rudolf have to run behind the Gustav with Zeke as punishment, but Van looks at it as training. They take a break and Rudolf vows never to give up so he can be strong and fight for what's right. Moonbay calls them over and shows them some completely destroyed Imperial Zoids and all their cores have been hit. Dr. D pops up out of nowhere (like always) and shows them some strange footprints. They follow them to some ruins, where they find a carving of a dragon-like Zoid, the Death Saurer. Meanwhile, Prozen moniters the Zoid in the large tank. Dr. D tells everyone the story of the Death Saurer. It was a legendary evil Zoid that could destroy a whole nation and 1,000 Zoids in one night. Dr. D doesn't know what Raven's Zoid looks like so he can't tell them if it's the Death Saurer or not. They wonder if Raven was the one who destroyed all those Imperial Zoids, but they can't figure out why he would attack his own side. Dr. D suspects something and Van wants to fight Raven's new Zoid. Dr. D tells him that that's a stupid idea and he should run if he ever sees Raven again. Dr. D explains that if the core, the heart of a Zoid, of the Shield Liger is hit, then it will never be able to recover. Dr. D and Fiona tell Van not to fight Raven. That night, Fiona wakes up to find that Van can't sleep. She explains to him that she gets a different feeling from ruins containing carvings of the Death Saurer than she gets from Raven's Zoid, so Raven's Zoid might not be the Death Saurer. They find Rudolf praying, and he tells them that these Imperial Zoids were looking for him. Dr. D reveals that Rudolf is the Emperor-to-be. Rudolf says that Prozen wants to get rid of him so he can take his place and rule the Empire, which will of course start another war. Prozen sends out search parties, but then orders Raven to destroy them. Van attempts to make Rudolf feel better in his own unique way. He taunts Rudolf, making him fight, but always pushes him back. Finally, Rudolf lands a punch when Van is distracted by Rudolf's ring falling. Van has shown Rudolf that he has to stand up for himself, and Rudolf knows that now. Van picks up the ring to give it back to Rudolf, but Shadow flies down and grabs Rudolf, carrying him away. A lot of Imperial Zoids arrive and accuse Van and the others of destroying the other Imperial Zoids, so they get into their Zoids and fight, taking out all of them quickly. Then Raven arrives in the Geno Saurer. His orders were to kill Rudolf, but he's decided not to. Van promised not to fight, but he knows he has to. Zeke merges with the Liger and protects the core. Raven beats Van around for a while, and then Van puts up the shield while Raven powers up a charged particle beam. Raven fires and the beam shoots through the Liger's chest/stomach. The Shield Liger's core is destroyed and the Liger becomes a gray, motionless figure as Zeke ejects from the Zoid. The Organoid falls to the ground and Fiona rushes over. Episode 23. The Imperial Ring The Shield Liger's core is destroyed and the Liger becomes a gray, motionless figure as Zeke ejects from the Zoid. The Organoid falls to the ground and Fiona rushes over. Zeke opens up and Van falls out from inside him. Raven takes Rudolf over to Prozen's gang and gives the kid to them. He tells Rudolf that he doesn't know what happened to Van, but the Liger is dead. Raven leaves and Prozen's gang demands the ring from Rudolf, who doesn't have it, but the gang manages to figure out that Van has the ring. Meanwhile, Van thanks Zeke, who is resting, for saving his life again. Dr. D shakes Van out of his self-pitying state and tells him that he has more work to do (read as: save Rudolf). Dr. D explains that Rudolf's ring proves that he is the Emperor, and if Prozen had the ring then he could take over the Empire. Van reveals that he has the ring. Everyone doubts that Prozen's gang would honestly trade Rudolf for the ring, so Van and Irvine come up with a plan. Then Dr. D and Moonbay sit by a fire and get some rest, since they figure Raven won't be bothering them anymore. While Fiona tends to Zeke, she hears a strange voice calling her name (sounds like she's hearing it in her mind). Van and Irvine go to rescue Rudolf, with Irvine in his Command Wolf. They've come up with a good plan. Rudolf tells the gang that Van and the others would never come and trade the ring for him, but then Van shows up an a hover board. The gang demands the ring, but Van tells them that he's hidden it in a safe place, and once they let Rudolf go he'll tell them where it is. Just then a flash bomb explodes near them and Van races forward on his hover board, grabs Rudolf, and speeds off. Irvine shoots at the Dark Horns with his Wolf, but the guys manage to get into their Zoids, shoot Irvine a bit, and chase Van and Rudolf, who get trapped in a gorge by some falling rocks. They run into a mine and the gang chases after them. Van and Rudolf find a ladder and climb it, but the guys find them and start shooting. Irvine shows up and drops some smoke bombs to force the guys away and Van and Rudolf join up with him and try to find a way out of the mine, though Van's mad at Irvine for almost hitting them with the bombs. Van and the others are trapped by a large hole in the middle of the mine by Prozen's gang. Van shoves Irvine and Rudolf back, making the guys shoot at his feet, which causes him to fall into the hole, but he lands on a board, gets bounced back up, grabs onto one of the guys, leaps over his head pushing the guy back into the hole, and the other two guys end up hanging from the edge of the hole since they tried to save the first guy, their leader. Van and the others try to find a way out of the mine but they get stuck at another dead-end, and Van gives Rudolf the ring. Van sees a hole above him, climbs up it, and gets spotted by Prozen's gang, who have managed to pull themselves out of the hole. They run for it and go down a long passageway. Irvine gets in a mine car and tries to help Van and Rudolf, but the gang starts shooting again and Van and Rudolf are forced down another passageway while Irvine travels down the long one. Van and Rudolf are trapped on a ledge of a cliff with a river flowing a long way down from them. Prozen's gang demands the ring, but Rudolf threatens to drop it into the river unless they let Van go safely. Van starts to walk away, but then turns around and throws a flash bomb. He gets into a mine car, pushes it forward, grabs Rudolf, and goes over the edge into the river. He and Rudolf survive it and start laughing, but then the Dark Horns show up. Irvine arrives in his Wolf to put all of them out of commission. Rudolf tells the leader of the gang to tell Prozen that he will be returning to Guygalos to take back what's his. Meanwhile, Fiona goes into her freaky mode and stands up to look at the Liger. Zeke gets up behind her, takes her into him, and both of them fuse with the Liger, which glows brightly and then a large pink swirling bubble thing forms around it. In a weird dream-like thing in Fiona's mind, she's standing on top of a grassy hill looking at herself (which means that there's two Fionas there). Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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