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Dragon Ball Z Movies DBZ Movie 1: Dead Zone Synopsis: The Dead Zone is just that a movie that is completely dead in all aspects. It was the first in a long series of Dragon Ball Z movies. Three Mysterious guys attack Piccolo; from there we get a view of Chi Chi's house where the same three guys show up again to kidnap Gohan and his Dragon Ball. Chichi and the Ox King try to save him but get severely beat up for their insolence. Goku who was off in the mountains catching tonight's dinner comes back to find a beat Chichi tell him they have kidnap Gohan well Goku being the hero he is borrows the Dragon Radar from Bulma so that he can track his son an obviously rescue him. Elsewhere we learn that the mastermind behind all this mayhem is Garlic Jr. who wants to get revenge on Kame who ascended to the throne of God instead of his father. Apparently when Garlic's father tried to take the throne by force the previous Kami sealed him up. Garlic Jr. now wishes to finish the job his father once started by killing Kame and ascend to the throne of God. Garlic's goons manage to find the remaining Dragon Balls and Garlic wishes to become Immortal. Well Goku shows up and the fight between him and the goons ensue. Krillen and Piccolo show up to help Goku out, and the goons of Garlic Jr. are easily defeated. Next up is Garlic Jr. who increases his size and muscle mass to due combat with Piccolo and Goku. Goku and Piccolo manage to fight him off and Garlic opens up the Dead Zone, which will trap everything in it for eternity. You'll have to watch this sad first attempt for a DBZ movie to find out what happens. Review One of the worst DBZ movies out there, the plot is pretty basic, not as creative as some of the newer movies. Another issue is the film is about thirty-five minutes long a way to short it feels more like an episode than a movie in fact. The music is your basic and typical DBZ score and probably the only redeeming part of the film. The replay value of this film is extremely low there is action in the film but nothing that you haven't seen in a regular episode before in fact it's a bit toned down from the episode violence. I really don't recommend this film to buy so if you want to see it I would suggest renting this film since its not really worth paying 30 dollars to own or 5 for the fan sub. RATING: 3 DBZ Movie 2: World's Strongest Synopsis: The second attempt at the DBZ movie franchise was much better. World's Strongest, has Oolong and Gohan going up an ice mountain in order to get their hands on some dragon balls that had been gathering for days. On the top of the mountain is Coachin who summons Shen Long and wishes for the permanent ice wall to be removed from Doctor Willow's Lab. Gohan and Oolong eventually make it to the top of the mountain but are attack by Doctor Willow's lackeys. Piccolo comes to save the day but while saving Gohan is attack by a ray and captured. Elsewhere more of Willow's goons capture Master Roshi and Bulma. Oolong and Gohan eventually tell Goku what has happened and who is behind all these abductions. So once again it is up to the mighty Goku to go and rescue the earth and his friends from impending doom. Along the way Goku faces Bio warriors and traps while Doctor Willow (who is only a Brain in a large Jar or so we think) analyze Goku and determines he wants to transfer his Brain in to the strongest warrior, which obviously is Goku. Goku finally makes it to Doctor Willow with the help of Gohan and Krillen their they have to face a brain washed Piccolo and manage to rescue their friend, but afterwards they must face Doctor Willow who happens to be a Big Robot with a really big brain and massive powers. Will Goku be able to save the earth along with his body or will Doctor Willow not only become the Smartest being but the strongest? Review: Overall World's Strongest is a better film than the Dead Zone. Plot is still a bit basic and lacking in the originality department. Although, it is a major improvement over its predecessor the Dead Zone on many different aspects. The music once again is still your typical DBZ score with not much change in it. Worlds Strongest has some great action and a decent plot that will keep any fan of the show entertained. RATING: 7 DBZ Movie 3: Tree of Might Synopsis: A mysterious group shows up on earth and plants a seed. The Forrest starts to die and wither away. The Z warriors have wished this forest back, but make a startling revelation when it dies out again. King Kai informs the Z warriors that the Tree of Might will absorb all of earth's life force and energy leaving all living things to die out in a couple of hours. The Z warriors now must make a journey to uproot the tree of life and save the day once again from impending doom. The Z warriors get to the Tree of Might but learn that the 5 mysterious guys that we meet earlier in the film guard it. One of them happens to be a saiyan named Tarlus, who looks so much like Goku that you would swear it is he, he even sounds like Goku in the Japanese version. Tarlus uses the fruit from the Tree of life to beat up on the Z fighters and kill Goku who refuses to join him. Will the Z fighters be able to save the world, defeat Tarlus and destroy the Tree of Might you'll definitely have to see this film to find out! Review: This movie also has a pretty basic plot nothing really out of the ordinary and lacking some originality. There is a pretty decent amount of action in this film to keep the DBZ fans interested in this film. The sound track once again is recycled DBZ scores from the show and previous films. Overall DBZ movie 3 is worth seeing and buying, however the one that follows this one is so disappointing. RATING: 7.5 DBZ Movie 4: Lord Slug aka Enter the Super Saiyan Synopsis: Originally the film was called Enter the Super Saiyan, but is very disappointing for the fact no real Super Saiyan transformation takes place in the film. Our Story begins with a planet that almost collides with Earth but instead explodes near the Earth's Sky. Goku and Krillen tried to divert the planet but got caught up in the explosion and were knocked unconscious. We then learn that an invasion on earth has begun by Lord Slug and his forces. Lord Slug learns the secret of the Dragon Balls and sends his lackeys to go after the balls. The Dragon Balls are collected and Lord Slug makes his wish to become young and powerful again. Well next up on Slug's agenda is to change earth's climate, Gohan and Piccolo try and stop his plans but start to lose to his lackeys. Luckily Krillen and Goku show up to lend a helping hand and turn the tide of the battle. Goku eventually fights Slug but transforms into a Super Saiyan but in all reality that just looks like a Golden KaioKen. Many revelations will be made in this film including what race Lord Slug comes from, will Goku be strong enough to stop him? Review: Overall this is a step back for DBZ films, the plot is pretty generic with an obvious plot twist of what race Slug is from. Sound track once again rather bland and just uses recycled music from the show and previous films. This film has a decent amount of action but the plot holes really ruin the whole film and make it unbearable to watch in some aspects. Also that supposed Super Saiyan transformation looks cool but in fact that's not a Super Saiyan believe me, I can tell. My suggestion is either rent or skip over this DBZ film its an utter disappointment. RATING: 5 DBZ Movie 5: Cooler's Revenge Synopsis: A mysterious Alien learns that a Super Saiyan has killed Frieza. This alien is none other than Frieza's brother Cooler. Now he and his gang travel to earth in an attempt to exterminate the earth, and the Super Saiyan. On Earth Goku, Gohan, Krillen, and Oolong are on a camping trip until Cooler and his gang crashes it. All out fight begins in which Cooler injures Goku. And the Z fighters go into hiding to protect Goku while Gohan goes to retrieve some senzu but is attack by the Cooler's lackeys luckily Piccolo shows up to by Gohan some time to get back to his father with the Senzu seeds. Piccolo gets severely beaten up by Cooler, Elsewhere a fully healed Goku is ready to do battle against Cooler. You'll definitely have to see this movie to find out who will win! Review: One of the best Dragon Ball Z movies, the plot is great. The sound track has vastly improved compared to the other films. The idea of Frieza having a brother is well done and a bit original. Overall this film is the start to a very successful line of DBZ movies that follow until movie 10. RATING: 9 DBZ Movie 6 Synopsis: In this film the gang travel to New Namek by a request from Dende. When they get to their destination they face off against robots that wish to enslave the Namek people and kill them. To everyone and Goku's surprise Cooler is back as a Metal/Robotic version of himself and even stronger than before. Now Goku must face off against Cooler once again this time for good. But this time around he has help from Vegeta who by now is also a Super Saiyan. This is Vegeta's first appearance in the DBZ films and comes at the right time. Throw two Super Saiyans, Cooler, and a 1 million army of Metal Coolers and you get this massively violent DBZ film, and probably another best in the DBZ movie series. Review: Another Great Film has a great amount of action and possibly the most violent DBZ film to date. The sound track is once again the same recycled music that is typical of DBZ movies. Overall it gets another high recommendation and is a must see for any true Dragon Ball Z fan out there. The only flaw is one or two plot holes but they don't affect the story that much. RATING: 9.5 DBZ Movie 7 Synopsis: Goku and the rest of the Z gang go to the mall for a day or relaxation and fun. The day seems pretty normal as Chi Chi goes out on a massive shopping spree dragging Goku and Gohan with here all the way. Eventually though the day at the mall is cut short due to the appearance of two new Androids 14, and 15. Apparently even after the death of Doctor Gero his super computer was feverishly at work in creating these two androids plus one more. Goku and Trunks race off to due battle with these two androids when the last in the Group Android 13 shows up to exterminate the Z fighters. During the movie Piccolo and Vegeta show up to lend a helping hand and we learn that unlike the other Androids, Android 13 can absorb the other two in order to get a massive power boost. Will the Z fighters be able to stop this menace; well I think it's pretty obvious who is going to win this fight! Review: Arguably the best of the DBZ movies, this film has a great deal of action in it including a painful groan shot and an infamous back breaker. Also the plot if very good and manages to cover up the plot hole of having more Androids. However this set of Androids definitely looks weirder than the other ones we have seen. Overall a very entertaining film, that has a ton of action, good plot that keeps you in your seat. My only qualm about this movie is the fact that the sound track has not changed nor does it vary much from the previous films. But that does not take too much away from the film; I highly recommend this film to any DBZ fan! RATING: 9 DBZ Movie 8: Synopsis: Goku and Chich are off to enroll Gohan in a highly selective school. Gohan and the rest have gone to see the cherry blossoms in the park. A mysterious space ship lands in the park Paragus (a Saiyan) tells Vegeta that he wants him to come to his planet to become King, and also help destroy the Legendary Super Saiyan. Vegeta being the hot head he is races off with him. Trunks, Gohan, Krillen, Oolong, and Master Roshi all tag along for the ride not knowing what they have just gotten themselves into. Elsewhere King Kai summons Goku to his planet and tells him the legendary Super Saiyan is destroying the Northern Galaxies. Goku goes off to find him and eventually while along the trail of the Legendary Super Saiyan meets up with the other Z fighters on Paragus planet. Eventually many revelations come to life like the fact that this is a man made planet and a race of beings are enslaved and forced to do the work. Another revelation we learn is that Paragus really wants to kill the Z fighters by luring them on this planet, which is on a one-way course with a comet. But the most important revelation is the fact that Paragus son Brolly really is the Legendary Super Saiyan and starts to do battle with the Z fighters. Will the Z fighters be able to stop Brolly? And even if they do stop him will they be able to get off the planet before the comet hits it? You'll definitely want to see this movie to find out what happens! Review: A pretty good follow up to movie 7, Once again there is tons of action and by this point in the movie series everyone including Gohan has reached the level of Super Saiyan. The plot is decent but has a couple of plot holes but it does its best to cover it up and does a good job in doing so. The soundtrack is the same from all the other flicks nothing new from the music department that will shock you. Overall Movie 8 is one of the best Dragon Ball Z movies out there and is indeed the longest out of all of them it clocks in at about an hour and fourteen minutes and won't disappoint you! RATING: 9.5 DBZ Movie 9 Synopsis: This movie takes place in between the 7-year gap that follows after the Cell Saga. Trunks and Gohan have entered a tournament in an attempt to win the Grand Prize of a hot springs vacation for their mothers. Also competing in the tournament are Krillen, Tienshinhan, and Piccolo. To top matters off Hercule aka Mr. Satan will fight the winner of the tournament. Well the tournament gets underway and Trunks defeats Tien, Piccolo being completely disgusted in the fact there is no one with a great fighting spirit at the tournament decides to withdraw. Leaving Krillen, Gohan and Trunks to advance to the next stage of the tournament. However during the second stage of the tournament space villains pose as warriors and start to do battle with the Z warriors. We soon learn from King Kai that the villain behind all this mayhem is none other than Bojack. The four Kai's imprisoned Bojack many eons ago, being the fact that King Kai is dead the seal was broken and now Bojack has his eyes on earth. Since Goku is dead the only one strong enough to save the world from chaos is his son Gohan and the remaining Z warriors. Will Gohan Super Saiyan 2 powers be enough to stop the threat of Bojack and his henchmen? You'll definitely want to see this movie, which is considered by many Japanese fans as the last great DBZ movie in the series! Review: Overall the plot for this film is ingenious, very original plot for this film. Once again the soundtrack is painfully the same recycled music from the show and lacks any real originality. The action in this film is at its best, even some of the moves performed in this film made me want to say ouch. By my opinion this is the end of the great DBZ movies. Personally the best movies are Movies 5-9. So I highly recommend this film to any true DBZ fan. RATING: 10 DBZ Movie 10: Brolly Returns Synopsis: In this movie, Brolly's pod crash-lands on earth and he awakens from his long coma. Goten, Trunks, and Videl are out searching for the mysterious Dragon Balls so that Videl can finally see Shen Long. While on the hunt they come across a village in which after many different hijinks get a Dragon Ball and happened to spend the night at the village. The next morning while out on the lake Videl is attacked by Brolly and knocked silly. Goten and Trunks eventually show up and get into a fight with Brolly who has mistaken Goten for Goku. Elsewhere Gohan feels a strong ki and realizes that it is Brolly. Gohan now races at full speed to save his friends from impending doom. Will Gohan make it in enough time to save the day? Can Goten and Trunks manage to summon the eternal Dragon Shen Long for help? And why the hell is Krillen wearing a Piccolo outfit? All this questions will be answered in this painfully bad DBZ movie! Review: Overall this is the beginning of a major chain of bad Dragon Ball Z movies. This flick has some decent action however is nothing out of the ordinary that will astound you or make you go wow. This flick has way too many plot holes that make the whole plot of the film convoluted with bad ideas. First off, why the hell would it take Brolly 7 � years to come to earth in unscathed space pod? There are other plot holes that make you just scratch you head and say this makes no sense what so ever! The music in this film has not changed much besides the fact that this is the first time the second half of the DBZ scores are used either way its just more recycled music from the show again folks! Overall this is a terrible DBZ movie that you may want to watch just to continue the trilogy of Brolly. Either way I say when this is commercially released go for a rental before you buy! RATING: 4.5 Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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