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Zoids Guardian Force Episode Sums Episode 1. The Secret Mission Four years after the defeat of the Death Saurer, a Blade Liger is running through a test, and does very well. Van, the pilot, is then called by Colonel Krueger, who tells Van that he plans to retire. Van doesn't want him to, but Krueger tells him that he's taught him everything he can. Van passed the test, and he even did it without an Organoid. At a mine, Dr. D and Fiona are searching for Zoid Eve. They wonder if they'll ever find it. President Camford recieves a call from Emperor Rudolf about an unknown Zoid, that can travel underground, attacking one of the Imperial bases and now it's in Republican territory. Meanwhile, Van and Zeke arrive at the Wind Colony to visit his sister. Zeke stays at Van's house while he goes to his father's grave. When he's about to leave, he runs into a man with red hair, who calls himself Hiltz. When Van gets distracted by his sister, Hiltz disappears. A Republican base is attacked by the unknown Zoid, and Hermann, flying in a Pteras, determines that it's a Stealth Viper and gets shot down. The Zoid is headed to the Wind Colony. Van and Zeke visit the ruins where they first met. Then Zeke senses something, a Gustav headed their way. It's Fiona and Dr. D, who is sick, and they're headed to the Wind Colony. Then they are attacked by the Stealth Viper, and Van rushes to help them. He takes them to his house, and after a while Fiona wakes up. She and Van talk about journeying together again, and they look at his father's knife. Then Van hears his sister scream, and he runs off to help her. Fiona follows with his father's knife. Van's sister is being attacked by a red Organoid. Van defends his sister, and almost gets hurt by the spikes on its tail. Fiona tosses him the knife so he can use it, and Zeke comes and charges into the other Organoid. Then the red Organoid hears a whistle, and it flies off, using boosters that emit red energy. Meanwhile, the Wind Colony is attacked by the Stealth Viper. Van gets there in his Blade Liger and knocks it down, then throws it away from the Colony. The red Organoid then fuses with the Viper, healing all of its damage. Then it releases a thick fog, and Van can't see anything. He gets shot a lot, but then gets up remembering how Stealth Vipers fight. He uses the hot air from his vents to creating copies of himself, because the Viper uses a heat sensor to find opponents in the fog. The Viper shoots at all the copies, and Van attacks from behind. The red Organoid flies out of the Viper taking the pilot with him. It lands somewhere else, and throws the pilot onto the ground. Hiltz is there, and he is not happy that the pilot did such a bad job since he lent him his Organoid. The guy wants another chance, but Hiltz refuses. Later on, Krueger wants Van to be part of the Guardian Force, a special unit dedicated to protecting the peace. Van and Fiona decide to join, and they say goodbye to Van's sister. She gives him his father's knife, and they run off into the sunset in the Blade Liger. Episode 2. Sniper In a desert, a group of white Command Wolves are protecting a Gustav carrying some Guysacks. They are headed to a town, and when they arrive, an old man asks what they are doing there. The leader says that they are trying to recover weapons left behind from the last war. He finds out that Van is in the town too. In a building, Van and Fiona talk to a guy from the group of Command Wolves and Gustav. They go out to dinner, and the guy tells them what they're doing there. He says that Van must be a better pilot than when he beat the Death Saurer. Afterwards, Van, Fiona, and Zeke are walking down a path, and Van tells Zeke to go ahead. Then he commands that whoever has been following them to come out. A guy walks up to Van and introduces himself. He says he works for the military police, and that the group that arrived in the town are really trying to steal Republican gold. He wants Van to help him, and Van accepts. The guy shows Van his Zoid, a Gun Sniper. He says that his Zoid could beat Van's Liger. In the morning, Van goes to the group of Wolves and the Gustav in the Liger and asks to tag along. The leader says he can, and then orders someone to tell the Command Wolves to keep an eye on him. Later on, the Guysacks, equiped with scanning devices, are searching for "the lost weapons" while Van watches. Then the Guysacks find what they've been looking for, and they proceed to dig it up. The police guy was monitoring their transmissions and knows that they've found the gold. As the gold is lowered onto the Gustav, a voice calls out saying that they are under arrest and to stay where they are. When they refuse, two Command Wolves are shot down. The Gun Sniper appears and he and Van team up. Van slices up some Command Wolves while the Gun Sniper runs after the Gustav. After Van is finished, he hears the Gun Sniper and Gustav fight. Then he sees a huge explosion and runs over to it, finding no one there. Elsewhere, the police guy and the leader of the destroyed group are talking about how rich they are now. They were working together all this time so they could get the gold. Then Van shows up and shows them his necklace, which has a Guardian Force ring. The two guys understand that he plans to stop them, but they won't give up the gold. Van shoots at the Gustav, damaging it. Then the Gun Sniper is mobilized and it and the Liger fight. The Gun Sniper damages the Liger, and Van slices off the Sniper's arm. The Sniper shoots at Van, but Van blocks with a shield. The Sniper then turns around and goes into sniping mode, and fires three consecutive shots, piercing the shield and damaging the Liger. The Sniper aims for the Liger's cockpit and shoots, but Van dodges and fires a lot with his blade guns. The Gun Sniper is defeated and falls to the ground. Van stops the other guy from running away, and asks Fiona to contact O'Connell. The Liger is going to need repairs. Episode 3. The Blue Devil O'Connell's group is working on some ruins near a town. They found some really good artifacts that may give them some clues about what Zoid Eve is. O'Connell says that Van and Fiona are coming to take a look at them. The Blade Liger is heading down a road to the town, and Van has a little fun with a car along the way. Fiona thinks about her life and whether finding Zoid Eve is such a good idea. She thinks the Van and herself have grown up a lot. The Liger gets a compartment in its hind legs to hold guns in, so Van can switch what guns he wants on the blades. Meanwhile, everyone in the town walks out of it. O'Connell and a few of his men come back from the ruins to find that everyone is gone. Then they are attacked by a swarm of bugs which mess up the systems in their Zoids. Fiona and Van arrive at the town, and Fiona looks at it through binoculars and tells Van that no one is there. Van says that someone must be there because the bell is ringing. Just then, a Godos attacks. Van sees that it doesn't have a pilot and gets in the Liger. The Godos has grabbed Fiona, and Van hesitates to shoot. A voice in his head tells him to shoot and he has a vision of Fiona being killed. Van doesn't know whether to shoot or not, so Zeke flies up and saves Fiona. Then Van shoots the Godos. They then head into the town and go to the bell tower. There, they see more bugs and find a girl with blue hair who attacks Van. Fiona tells Van not to punch her, and comforts her because she looks scared. Then they all go to the ruins to find out what happened. Van tells Fiona and the girl to stay behind and Zeke to protect them. Van heads into the ruins, and is chased by the blue bugs. He blows them up after running for a while, then finds O'Connell, who tells him that the girl with blue hair can get into people's heads and mess with their minds and that she's behind all of the attacks. Van runs back to check on Fiona. Meanwhile, Zeke leaves Fiona and chases a bug. He runs into a blue Organoid, but it flies away quickly. The blue-haired girls messes with Fiona's mind, telling her that she's a burden to everyone, that she brings back luck, and that Van would be happier if she was gone. Fiona walks up the bell tower during all of this. Van gets Zeke and confronts the blue-haired girl in the bell tower, and she shows him her Organoid. Then the Organoid flies through the floor and fuses with a Double Sworder under it. Van and Zeke run out to get the Blade Liger, and Zeke fuses with it. The blue-haired girl (who will now be called Riece) gets in the Double Sworder, and tells Van that her Organoid, Specular, can tap into the core of a Zoid and bring out its full potential. The Double Sworder grows and is a really big bug now. Van fights her for a little while, and then Riece uses the Double Sworder's tusks to call a lot of the little blue bugs to attack Van's Zoid. They mess up his systems, but Van burns them off with his shield. He then slices off one of the Double Sworder's tusks so she can't call anyomore bugs. Riece stabs her Zoid's remaining tusk into the ground and it makes a huge crack leading to the bell tower. She says that the bells amplifies Specular's psycho waves so she can control Zoids. Then a group of Godos attack Van, and he runs up a cliff to get away from them. Van decides to destroy the bell to stop the Godos. Riece laughs at him, and he sees Fiona tied to the top of the bell tower. He hesitates to shoot, and Riece messes with his mind again making him see visions of Fiona dying, telling him that he wants to kill Fiona. Van says that he doesn't want to kill Fiona, and Fiona wants Van to fight. The Godos shoot Van and he falls down the cliff, but he regains his confidence and shoots the bell without harming Fiona. Riece is surprised, and Van charges at her and slices off one of her Zoid's legs. Specular gets her out of there, and Van goes to help Fiona. Later, everything is back to normal in the town, and Van and Fiona leave. Hiltz is watching them go and Riece is with him. He tells her that he said that her plan wouldn't work and she underestimated Van. Riece says it won't happen again, and to think of that battle as her getting to know Van. Episode 4. The Steel Bison Van and Fiona are given orders to check out a town where some people who claim to be Republicans are stationed, but there are no records of troops being sent there. They are also told that Colonel Shubaltz will be working with them and that he's already there. Van and Fiona arrive at the town and look for Shubaltz, and see that a lot of people are leaving. Zeke gets covered with red paint in an accident, and then two kids take him to their house to help Fiona clean him off. Van talks to the mother and asks why she isn't leaving. She says that she can't leave her crops because they need them to survive. Fiona shows Van Zeke, who is now all red because they couldn't get the paint off so they filled up the gaps instead. Then Van is shot at, and the attacker says that he is Lieutenant Thomas Shubaltz, a member of the Guardian Force. He confronts Van and accuses him of being the leader of the gang who was attacking the village. Van says he's not and tries to convince Thomas that he's Van Freiheit, but Thomas doesn't believe him. When Thomas sees Fiona, he instantly falls in love. He's nice to Fiona, but not to Van. Then Thomas says that the leader of the gang has a red Organoid (ummm, could it be Hiltz?) and points to Zeke, who is covered in red paint. Van tries to tell him that Zeke is silver, but Thomas calls for Beek and a net drops down and captures Zeke. Then a Dibison arrives, and Thomas captures Van. Later, Thomas is trying to contact his brother, Karl, and when Van hears this he understands who Thomas is. Fiona is not tied up. Thomas tells Karl that he's captured the leader of the gang, but the transmission cuts out before Karl can tell him what to do. Then Thomas sees a bit of silver on Zeke, and then sees Van's necklace with the Guardian Force ring, and realizes his mistake. He unties Van and tells him the the gang is using Command Wolves and attacked the village. The gang has given the people of the town one week to leave. Thomas says the mission is to protect the people and their land. He says that Karl's group will arrive in one day, but he plans to attack the Command Wolves before that. Again, he's nice to Fiona, but mean to Van. Thomas, Van, and Fiona spy on the Command Wolves, and Thomas lets Fiona have a look through his binoculars but not Van. Fiona spots poles around the Wolves, but they don't know what they are. Fiona asks about Beek, and Thomas explains that Beek's an AI he built into the core of his Zoid to help him in battle, sort of like a man-made Organoid, only better in Thomas' opinion. Then they get in their Zoids and move in to attack. Thomas says he's in charge and orders Van to go away and protect Fiona many times. Zeke fuses with the Liger and they move in closer. Thomas uses all the guns on the Dibison's back to attack all the Wolves, but all the shots swerve and miss their targets. Fiona figures out that the poles create strong magnetic fields which alter the path of their fire. Van uses the Liger's blades to slice through all the poles, but then a Gordos comes and shoots out more poles. Van then charges the Gordos and slices through it. The magnetic field is destroyed, and Thomas targets everyone, including Van. He fires the Dibison's best attack, megalo max, and destroys all the Wolves, the Gordos, and almost hits Van. He laughs about that saying something about if he's going to shoot then he might as well shoot them all. Later, Karl gets there and greets Van, Fiona, and Zeke. He comments about them meeting his brother, and Zeke says something that makes everyone laugh but Thomas, who couldn't understand what Zeke said. Episode 5. The Invisible Enemy Hiltz and his Organoid, Ambient, are standing on a stone pillar and they sense Van in the area. Meanwhile, Van and Fiona stop in a town in some mountains where they meet Thomas Shubaltz again. He was sent there to stop some bandits, who have taken over the forest on the mountain and blocked trade routes, and Van was sent there too. Thomas thinks he can handle the mission himself. Van and Thomas get a Gustav with two large metal boxes attached in which they hide their Zoids. Thomas sets up the Gustav so that he can pilot it while he's sitting in the Dibison. Van wonders if the bandits are connected to the guy with the red Organoid. Later, Van and Thomas argue a bit while going through the forest in search of the bandits, but then they are attacked. The metal boxes open and the Liger and Dibison get out to fight and Zeke fuses with the Liger, but they can't find the enemies. Thomas shoots randomly and blows away a ton of trees. Van sees something and attacks, but misses. The enemies realize that they aren't dealing with normal Zoid pilots, so they retreat. Thomas finds some footprints and he and Van figure out that their enemies are Helcats, the ultimate stealth Zoid. They follow the prints to a stream, where they lose track of them. Thomas uses Beek to find the prints on the bottom of the stream, but Van and Fiona credit Beek and not Thomas, who created Beek. The enemies talk about the Guardian Force watching their movements, while Van, Fiona, and Thomas spy on them. They notice a cave they they are digging in, and wonder why their enemies would pretend to be bandits just to protect the cave. Thomas and Van go in, while Zeke and Fiona stay behind. Van and Thomas surprise their enemies and have them trapped, but then Hiltz arrives and distracts them. Ambient slices through the tent with his tali and knocks away Van and Thomas' guns. The enemies capture them, and bring them outside. Van remembers Hiltz, and he and Thomas get into a fake arguement and prepare to attack. Hiltz orders for them to be shot, but just then Zeke and Fiona jump out in front of Van and Thomas. Fiona's got some guns and Zeke is covered with explosives. Hiltz snaps his fingers and Ambient charges into Zeke, knocking him over and causing Fiona to fire her guns, which lights an explosive on Zeke's headband. Van, Thomas, and Fiona run away with Zeke following them. Van yells for Zeke to get rid of the explosives and Zeke panics and throws them off of him. They explode and Van and his friends get thrown forward while Hiltz and his men protect themselves from getting hit by rocks. Hiltz orders his men to go after Van and his friends, who are running away. Hiltz then goes into the cave and tells his men in there to leave. He looks at a huge tank like the one Zeke came out of and asks Ambient what he thinks of it. Ambient then turns into energy and goes into the tank, which starts to glow. Meanwhile, the Helcats chase Van and the others. Van and his friends get to their Zoids and fight the Helcats. Thomas uses the data Beek collected to find the Helcats, and sends the data to Van. They start to take down the Helcats one by one until there are only a few left. Thomas is then attacked, but Van saves him by slicing through his attacker. Van and Thomas win the fight, and they become friends after a bit of teasing. Thomas helped Van track the Helcats since the Liger wasn't able, and Van saved his Dibison. Fiona tells them to check out the cave. They go to it and find that Hiltz is gone, but there is a large hole in the ground. Fiona looks up and spots a carving of the Death Saurer with two carvings of something else near it. Episode 6. The Zoid Hunters Some Guysack sleeper Zoids are activated by a huge flying Zoid, the Whale King. Then some Hel Digunners chase a Rev Raptor sleeper, and capture it. They are confronted by Thomas, but a black Command Wolf (guess who?) attacks him and damages his Dibison. Thomas then sees the Whale King fly up into the sky. Inside the Whale King, Van gets out of the Rev Raptor that was just captured. He activates a signal for Fiona and Zeke to track the Whale King in the Liger. Van walks around for a while but then he's spotted. He runs, but then finds a guy with an eye patch (guess who?), who punches him out. Fiona and Zeke track Van's signal and find Thomas. Their mission is to find out why the sleeper Zoids are being captured. Meanwhile, Van is locked in a room and the guy with the eye patch, Irvine, comes to talk with him. Irvine is after some reward money, and Van wants to know what's happening to the Zoids. The Whale King lands at a base, and then has to wait for a sandstorm finish. Van and Irvine make it look like Van's escaped in a truck and Irvine shoots the truck. A guy wonders about Irvine and goes to check him out on a computer. Later, Irvine meets up with Van, who is still there, and they go into the underground base. Irvine says that he was hired by a rich guy to find his stolen Zoids. He also suspects that there's something bigger behind all of this. Irvine and Van find a huge pile of Zoid remains, and Van notices that the cores are gone. Then the both of them are captured, and Irvine finds out that Van is in the Guardian Force. They see what's happening to the Zoid cores. They are being genetically altered in an attempt to make a more powerful Zoid. Van and Irvine think that it's disgusting, and then the Whale King is attacked by the Blade Liger and Dibison. Zeke flies into the Whale King and rescues Van and Irvine. Thomas and Irvine, who gets into his Command Wolf, and fight some Hel Diguners that come to defend the Whale King. Van takes Fiona to the Whale King so she can free all of the sleeper Zoids that were captured, and then he goes to help Irvine and Thomas. The Hel Digunners are beaten and Fiona sets the last sleeper Zoid free. The Whale King takes off and Van runs to save Fiona. He jumps up and grabs onto it with his claws, but the Liger starts to slip. Van tells Zeke to take over and gets out of his Zoid and manages to get into the Whale King. A guy attacks Van, but then some engines start exploding and the guy is thrown out of the Whale King. Hiltz appears and says that he's responsible for the explosions, and that he's just tying up some loose ends. Then he leaves with Ambient. Irvine saves Van and Fiona using a Pteras and the Whale King crashes. Later, Irvine says that he doesn't want to join the Guardian Force, but it was nice seeing his old friends again. Then he runs off into the sunset with his Command Wolf. Episode 7. The Devil's Maze It's a dark and stormy night and an Iron Kong and a group of Dark Horns approach a base. Colonel Karl Shubaltz jumps out of the Iron Kong and goes through a security clearance, saying that he's the leader of the Panzer division of the Imperial army. Riece is in that base. Karl goes inside the base and meets up with a guy. He tells the guy that they recieved a distess signal from this base, and came to check it out. The guy says that they didn't send out a distress signal, but Karl still wants to look around. They go in an elevator and the guy says that they've been dismantling a snow generation jamming device and that might have emittted a signal. When the elevator doors open, some armed soldiers block their way, and Karl wants to know what's going on. The guy says that they've been chosen. A blue Double Sworder is on the ceiling and it releases a swarm of little blue bugs. The next day, Thomas Shubaltz sees the Panzer symbol at the base where Karl went to. Van is told of that base, which disposes of weapons, and that it has been taking over. They recieved a strange transmission saying that a new world will be born from the flames of judgement. Van figures out the Riece is at that base and is controlling everyone there. Thomas then arrives and says that the temperature inside that base has been rising, which means the cooling system of the reactor has been shut off and it will explode in two hours. Thomas shows that the explosion will be huge and wipe out most of the Republic and Empire's good territory. Thomas and Van get ready to go into the base and Thomas wants Van to leave, but Van really wants to help. Fiona notices that Thomas is acting strange. Van sees the Panzer division flag at the base. In the base, Riece takes control of Karl's mind using one of her little blue bugs. She comments about his strong willpower, but he she got him in the end. Outside the base, Thomas and Van see that there are only two ways to get to the reactor. Van will go in the narrow path without a Zoid, and Thomas is going to go through the large path with his Dibison. Thomas gives Van some of Beek's equipment, the gun, to help him. They split up and go in different ways, but after a while they are both attacked by Molgas, with Van's ones being the miniature versions. Thomas shoots them with his Dibison's guns and gets rid of them, and Van and Zeke fight off the ones in their path. Fiona and another soldier are outside the base monitoring Van and Thomas, but Specular breaks into where they are and takes Fiona. Riece talks with Fiona, Fiona bites her finger (go Fiona!!!), and Riece shows her how Van and Thomas are doing. Thomas tells Van that Karl is in the base and how when they were younger, Karl always was better than him at everything, like academics and martial arts, but Thomas was the best with machines. Thomas says that Karl told him that he relies on machines too much, but Thomas plans to do great things with his machines. Then Van is attacked by some soldiers controlled by Riece and Specular, and Thomas is attacked by an Iron Kong, piloted by Karl. Thomas tries to get through to Karl, but he can't and his Dibison is beat up by the Iron Kong. Van throws a gas bomb which puts all the soldiers to sleep. Then the guy who talked to Karl earlier shows up with a sword, but Van breaks it with his knife and kicks him the the face. Then a miniature Molga comes up behind Van with a time bomb. Fiona watches in horror as it explodes, and Riece, using a radio, orders Karl to finish off Thomas. Fiona knocks the radio out of Riece's hands and breaks it. Karl regains control of his mind, but he can't control the Iron Kong. Karl orders Thomas to finish off the Iron Kong, even though he will be killed in the process. Thomas uses the Dibison's horns to pierce the Iron Kong in just the right place to stop it from moving. Thomas says the Karl should trust in his knowledge of machines, and Karl admits that Thomas is right. Van bursts into the room where Riece and Fiona are and Riece and Specular retreat with their Double Sworder, with Riece saying that they are still doomed. Van admits that he sent Zeke to turn on the cooling system while he came here to help Fiona. Zeke manages to complete his task before the reactor explodes, and Karl and Thomas watch him faint after he finishes. Later, Thomas runs to Fiona, tripping once, and tells her what happened. Van and Karl talk about Thomas. Next PageContest Well now that we have a great layout to go with our site, let's hold a contest, I want to see your best anime fan art. The winner will recieve the Cowboy Bebop subtitle vhs set. Contestants will be posted on AE's site. Where the fans of the site will in fact decide who walks away with the vhs set. I'll keep this contest running until January so that will give you guys enough time to send your artwork to [email protected] | ![]() |
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